Centurion Men-At-Arms Organization in The World of the Centurions | World Anvil

Centurion Men-At-Arms

Centurion men-at-arms are drawn from local men who have pledged a time of service to God or to the Order, usually in thanks for Centurion protection, or for the healing of a family member by Centurion doctors, or as an act of atonement. Joining the Order is a lifetime commitment but many only feel led to serve for a year, two years, or five years. These are the men who serve as men-at-arms. Some men choose to stay on and make a career out of being a Centurion man-at-arms.   While women who feel called to serve the Order on a short term basis generally do so as cooks, maidservants, or gardeners, they can serve as men-at-arms if they so choose and if they meet the physical standards (which are lower than for knights or shieldmaidens). At the moment, Warrick castle has two women serving as men-at-arms.   Young men who grow up within the Order may choose to be a man-at-arms as their vocation (as opposed to being a knight, an artisan, or a servant. See Centurion Traditions - The Step of Faith). Since men-at-arms usually stay at the castle instead of riding out to deal with raids, being a man-at-arms can be somewhat safer than being a knight. It still has dangers though since they help protect the castle when the knights are away and they march out with the knights to fight against larger raids or in military campaigns. Young men who lack the physical ability required to become a knight may choose to be a man-at-arms and still help to defend the Order. Young men from the Order who choose this path are expected to take on a few servant duties to be done during their off duty hours. Non-Centurions who serve as men-at-arms to fulfill a vow do not take on these extra duties.


A squad of ten is led by a corporal and two squads of ten are led by a sergeant. All of the sergeants in a castle report to the sergeant-at-arms who reports directly to the senior noble in the castle.


Every man-at-arms in the Order is equipped with a steel helmet, gambeson armor, a round shield, a glaive, a dagger, and a crossbow. They receive food, lodging, training, and equipment for free from the Order and they are paid a silver penny a month (a reasonable wage for the time).
Military, Army
Alternative Names
Soldiers, Infantry
Parent Organization


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