Zalgrodh Settlement in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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Zalgrodh is a large city sits on the East side of the Jhammat River in the heart of The Valley of Nes-maut in Orus. The city of Zalgrodh is the largest of the cities of Orus and acts as the center of the kingdom of Orus. Zalgrodh is ruled by The Ivory Seven, a group of seven elected officials who demonstrate the seven key parts of Zalgrodhi life. Rayner Tuly, younger brother of King Conon II Tuly, is the The Grand Chawla , a title given to a grand warrior who demonstrates honor. Rayner wed Princess Zakiya Bataeva, daughter of Duke Zeru Bataeva a powerful trader and fellow member of The Ivory Seven.
Large city
2 million≈
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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