The Sanctum of Ylvelean Building / Landmark in The World of Hialicura | World Anvil
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The Sanctum of Ylvelean

The Sanctum of Ylvelean is the main institute and a complex of buildings that make up about half of the village of Ylvelean. The Sanctum of Ylvelean serves as the central home to The Order of Ardor's Sons. At The Sanctum, the residing Fathers teach and train new students, and are in the Ylvelean's Select . The Sanctum of Ylvelean is funded by taxes from Nothurst and other areas in The Flatlands of Tuly and payments from lords for the service of the order. The Sons of Ardor rigorously copy books, scrolls, religious texts and anything else they can get their hands on.
College / Academy
Parent Location
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Owning Organization


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