Stoneheim Settlement in The World of Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Stoneheim is a large city that is set deep into the Drachensgrab Mountains.  Its walls are thick, made by the Dwarves of Ulek to protect Keoish mining operations.  Now, it is the capital of the Pomarj and it is used by Turrosh Mak to both train his troops and amass wealth from the ore rich mountains that surround it.


The population is majority orc, but there is a good number of human slaves as well as a select few human diplomats.


Stoneheim is ruled entirely by Turrosh Mak.  While he does have underlings he trusts to carry out his will, he has the ultimate say on how things are run.


The stone walls built by the dwarves are just as strong now as they were in their day, however, many of the traps and artillery they made have fallen into disrepair.  The orcs have built their own weapons in place of these, such as buckets of hot oil at the ready, re-purposed catapults, and even chunks of brick from the wall that are beyond all other use.

Industry & Trade

Stoneheim gets all the food it needs from surrounding farmsteads, either through raiding or unreasonable taxation.  For commodities and other things that the land cannot provide them, they trade from Blue with the precious metals and gems they mine from the hills.


The city has many blast furnaces left from its dwarven rule, which are still used by the Mak clan to produce trade bars and currency, as well as new weapons for themselves.  The roads here are well maintained by human slaves to allow a good trade route between Stoneheim and Blue.


Silver, Electrum, Gold, Gems, Weapons

Guilds and Factions

The Mak Clan


Stoneheim was founded at the height of Keoish rule, when mining was most profitable.  The dwarves took stone hewn from the mountainside and built a great fortress to protect their business interests and mining operations.  So much gold and silver flowed through its walls that it soon became a great city filled with talented smiths and other workers.  While it was prosperous for a time, the Hateful Wars would soon end it.  While the dwarves and humans held out for a time, they couldn't stand against the united tribes of orcs, goblinoids and other "monsterous" races.  They slaughtered all those that lived in the city and the Mak Clan took it as their home.


While the walls of Stoneheim are still mighty, many of the buildings, save the main keep and been broken down to their foundations, which have been replaced by wooden structures built by slaves.


The city is built on what was once a small meadow, but has since been trampled by dwarves and orcs, and ruined by the sheer amount of stone pulled from the mountain and scattered on the fields.  Beyond this meadow, the city is surrounded by tall mountains to the east and west.

Natural Resources

Silver, Gold, Gems, Stone
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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