The First Queen Character in The World of Autara | World Anvil
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The First Queen

The First Queen is a partly mythical woman who was the founding Queen of Autara and the ancestor of all members of the royal family.


The First Queen is often depicted as a woman with long silver hair with a magic glow coming from her chest, referring to her powerful magic and cores.

Personal History

Very little is known about the first queen, and she appears to be a partly mythical character with many myths and stories having sprung up about her and her reign, making it hard to know what is true from what is simple myth.   What is known is that she was a woman born in the region that eventually became the farmlands and developed a very powerful magic core at a young age. She eventually rose to prominence when she defeated a powerful evil sorcerer who had cursed the land. After defeating the sorcerer she was made queen and the protector of the realm.   Lore states that in order to defeat the evil sorcerer she harnesses the power of the stars, hence the title Queen of Stars. Lore also states that the Starlit necklace was gifted to the First Queen to help determine the succession between her children.


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