Velenya Kayurova Character in The World of Angfaulith | World Anvil

Velenya Kayurova

Queen Velenya Kayurova (a.k.a. The queen of roses)

Queen Velenya rules Marnan with an iron fist. She suffers no insubordination and has crushed no less than five rebellions to this date.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In the year of 273, she was born under a moonless sky in a bitingly cold winter in Noctim to a peasant family. It was apparently obvious even at birth that she was born with the gift of sorcery, but the family managed to keep it hidden out of fear of local superstition. When a terrible famine swept through Marnan in 278 her father Izlan brought her along with him to beg the local lord of leniency for failing taxes as her mother was ill.   Lord Kuzdan was swayed not by the poor pessants word, but by the beauty of the daughter, and bought her off him for ten Dawns. She would later learn that her father was robbed and killed on his way home, and her mother Misai died soon after. She grew up in a noble house during a time of great unrest and lost several new brothers and her new father to feudal barbarism. Velanyea was doted upon by Kuzdan as a jewel, and for this, she was scorned by her new mother and sisters. When 13, Kuzdan was killed in battle, and her new sisters Ulyini and Ilieni took out their long-festering jealousy by trying to drown her in the river.   She returned to the castle with tears streaking her cheeks, to find the king had come to show condolences to the window, having been good friends of the lord. Born to great beauty and gifts of sorcery she caught the eye of the king and a week later she was married to the king (the king being 73). She sired the son Vladiz a year later and quickly grew to become a proper queen.   When the king died at the age of 75, a cou was attempted by the nephew of the king. She welcomed him to the royal palace to barter terms for her and her son's safety but ended up personally murdering and severing his head before parading it through the streets of Kelleron in a bloody dress while carrying the royal prince. On that day the people named her queen of roses and her reign began.   While prince Vladiz grew to be a spoiled brat, Queen Valanya had deal with a second rebellion in the year 284. This time she donned armor and led her troops against three nobles who were rejecting her move for reforms to improve commoner rights. Refusing any parlay, the armies met at the field of battle, which nearly ended in disaster when a forth lord turned traitor during the midst of battle. It would have been a crushing defeat if not for her powers as an orator, as she rallied the passant levies to ther banner and stood her ground at the gates of Kelleron. As revenge she had the men of the extended families of the four noble families who had rebelled against her put to the stake, by tallying the family trees of the noble houses back to their founding. A total of 500 men were rounded up and executed. Her intent was to destroy all further plots by the nobility to rebell, but it horrified them to such an extent that it sowed the seeds for three further rebellions.   During the years it became apparent that she did not age like other mortals, and the people began to equally speculate of divine intervention or a demonic pact. Valanya chose to respond by changing the royal crest to a black rose, to honor The lady night and Rhodolithe - Godess of love and beauty.   Through the years she has had several consorts but never taken a second husband. She both loved and despised her son, as he grew up to be spineless and sheltered. Eventually, she had him married off to a foreign noble house as if he was a princess to barter for political gain. This caused a great rift between them, but in his later years, he sought her out to confess his love for her and introduced her to his wife and children, claiming to have lived a blessed life.   To this day, Valanya is the undisputed Queen of Marnan and has ensured peace and a better life for commoners, at the price of blood.
Current Location
Year of Birth
273 Age of man 216 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Velenya was born to poor commoners, during the coldest night in thee decades under a moonless sky in the month of Noctim.She showed the signs of sorcery at birth
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by n-kayurova


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