The guild of adventurers Organization in The World of Angfaulith | World Anvil

The guild of adventurers

Quirm is the home of one of the few adventuring guilds found in Dimha. Located in a small fortress within the city and surrounded by a small moat, the guild is the place to go if you seek unusual favors. The guild is not large, but it has a long and proud tradition of only accepting exceptional individuals who can brave dangers that would turn most stalwart soldiers into cowards. In the last decades, the guild has seen a decline and it’s not what it once was. Much of the blame lies with the current guild master who carries some mental scars that have yet to heal, which leads her to be dismissive towards the recruitment of people who aren’t already established veterans. As the lands have become more civil and monsters are mostly found towards the wildlands, the guild in Quirm has adopted more of a maritime focus these days.
Guild, Adventuring


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