William Hellan, Bard of Maborough Character in The World | World Anvil
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William Hellan, Bard of Maborough

Greatest Poet of New Ilandia, Royal Court Poet of Caldea William David Seradinus Mallard Hellan, Bard of Maborough

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

According to various sources he was crippled, possibly in an accident involving a ladder, but he himself has never written down the cause. Being cripple, he was often seen with his walking stick.   The last ten years of his life he spent mainly in bed, where he died of a stroke at age 69.

Facial Features

William had an enormous, pointy nose, and as it was the mode at the time he was considered very handsome because of his nose. This, together with his short, fashionable hair, were his only memorable facial gestures.

Apparel & Accessories

He was almost never seen without his walking stick which he desperately needed to walk. At later age, after he fell in disgrace, he wore glasses, one of the first mentions of glasses ever.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

William was, according to various sources, a very humorous man, and he mainly wrote comedies, which the nobility loved but the church considered a disgrace. The only piece of comedy by his hand left is this:  
A rich man once had a Bevisian wife, poor soul, and two lovers, an Ilandian and a Portuzian. Each day he shares his bed with one of them.   The first day he shares his bed with the Ilandian, and when he asks what time it is she says it's dawn because she could feel the sun warming her golden necklace.   The second day he shares his bed with the Portuzian, and when he asks what time it is she says it's dawn because she can hear the birds outside.   The third day he shares his bed with his Bevisian wife, and when he asks what time it is she says it's dawn because she has to take a poo.
  Altough I wouldn't consider this funny the nobility loved it and the church didn't. This humour is also kind of racist, as the Bevisians, who were considered less cultured than the Portuzians and the Ilandians, were depicted as boorish and stupid.

Vices & Personality flaws

Actually, Willem was never a particularly good poet, and there are very few surviving works by him. These few remaining works have a more serious appeal, which completely contradicts all sources that claim that William mainly wrote comedy. There are two reasons for this; firstly, Rodrick VII's successor, the fervent Catholic and dullard statesman Rodrick VIII, had probably destroyed a large part of William's work by order of the Pope when he banished William from his court. In addition, most of William's remaining work was kept in the Great Library of Hatbury, which was devastated by East Ilandian soldiers during the Third Ilandian War.


He was very hygienic, and he probably would've died sooner if he wasn't. He was one of the first to learn pure alcohol was good for keeping things clean but misinterpreted the scientist who discovered this, Adeviello Manisime's, work and had his house cleaned with wine and beer. The people of Halton made a rhyme about it:  
Yf ye ever are yn need of byer, remember hellan's house ys near.
Translation: "If you ever are in need of beer, just remember [William] Hellan's house is near.     He never ever brushed his teeth so his teeth were in a very bad condition.



He had a typical Haltonese accent, this in an era every person of class spoke Caldean-Ilandian, which is almost the polar opposite of Haltonese. Luckily for him the new king of Ilandia, Rodrick III


William Hellan, Bard of Maborough

Court Bard and trustee (Trivial)

Towards Rodrick VII



Rodrick VII

Sponsor and king (Important)

Towards William Hellan, Bard of Maborough



Current Status
69 years
Date of Birth
Date of Death
9th of December
1487 AD 1556 AD 69 years old
Place of Death
Wilfront Castle, Halton
Short black hair
1.70 meters
85 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
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