Sir Tallimer the Judge Character in The World as it Were | World Anvil
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Sir Tallimer the Judge

Sir Tallimer Nightingale

"The Light shines bright. It will break any night. It will pierce any shadow. It can undo any wrong. The light is justice and the light is good. This is what we are told. This is what is to be understood. That we are good and righteous and the enemy dark and ruinous. I know better now. Think on that day, that date, the Red Death Ball. The people happy and ready to work with one another. The past cruelties were being loosened, the clans freed and people given what they needed. Then the blades of The Assassins came and they took the life of the king of Lokins. That is what caused it. That death. The thousand others did not matter as much as any other. All those deaths for one man. Was that good? Was his death righteous? Well it wasn't the blades we think that struck out that night. Not the blades of freedom, the blades of passion, the blades of good... No. It was the blades of night, the undead upper classes, the Vampiric. The Vampiric was backed by the most zealous. Their wasn't true religious oppression. I remember that we could worship as we wish but the rituals were limited to that which could not hurt the state. No assassinations in the names of Gods, no cult killings, no warrior lodges. No. We were betrayed at the start. When we killed, we did it in rage, we did it with fear, we did it as cowards and fools stumbling in the dark. I know the Steeple's head. I knew her before this. She has lived for all this time in her guiled cage, alone by her actions and deeds surround by the machinations of all the Gods. The Vampiric eat us in silence, no justice. I strike and then it accomplishes naught. I strike and life continues. I am alone in my crusade now. Backed by the damned Steeple to kill their partners. I shall. Not for the Steeple but for the people. We will break all these monsters for them. That is the last hope anyway." - The Judgement of the Spirit

Divine Domains

Protection, Distance, Stoicism.

Physical Description

Body Features


Facial Features


Special abilities

Has spectral talents and can use an amount of magic gifted by The Untouchable.

Apparel & Accessories

The Goldheart Armour is his body now, a rounded specially made suit of armour made from stellic steel and by a forgemaster. He wears strips of fabric and a cloak. His head is a helm formed to deflect blades. He is armour and armour is he.

Specialized Equipment

Wields a lightblade. Though made for a different God than his own it is in his hands now. His spiked shield also is extremely heavy and can bludgeon people to death.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Considers himself a man.




Was an ink maker. Trained in making inks and paints. Learnt sword-play as a hobby and as part of the militia. After death, he has learnt a great deal of religious theory, magical theory and natural sciences. He also has become one of the most feared knights of the Steeple in his learning of the blade. He also has learnt healing and medicine to try and help people as best he could and has tried his hand at diplomacy and statecraft to attempt to stop the cycles of violence.


He has been an ink maker, a militia man, a rebel and now and forever more will be a knight.

Morality & Philosophy

People are the most important thing that stand in this world. Life should stand as the pinnacle of all things. More than this there are dark things in the world that prey on people which must be destroyed. This becomes more blurred as undeath weighs on and the world retains its grey nature.

Personality Characteristics


To stop the cycles of violence. To eradicate the Vampiric. To Unseat the Steeple. To... TO... Save everyone. This world is rot and must be remade.


Contacts & Relations

He has cut ties with the Steeple and acts pretty much alone.

Family Ties

Likely has family but has long been seperated from them.

Religious Views

Is a servant of the Untouchable only to gain power to defend people. Will not bend beyond that.

Wealth & Financial state

"Coin retains my needed repair."
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Judge
2621 2658 37 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in a dry but beautiful Summer.
Circumstances of Death
Killed guarding a refugee caravan from a Hobgoblin Raiding party. Died slowly from a feaces coated arrow.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You will struggle to kill me as I am already dead." "A blade cannot kill a wraith."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
All Vilgeforzi variants, Lokinsi, Wood, Dark, High, Celestial, Draconic.

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