Borag Ethnicity in The World as it Were | World Anvil
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Major language groups and dialects

Vilgefortzi, Borag

Culture and cultural heritage

They remember the Tyranny of Lokins, the indignity they suffered and the progress that was needed to surpass and escape that oppression.

Shared customary codes and values

Knowledge is to be given freely and without rancor.

Common Etiquette rules

Intelligence is the primary thing to be respected.

Common Dress code

Blues are the major colour usually within finally tailored clothing.

Art & Architecture

Large stone structures of fine temples. All designed as grandiose as these temples from the largest to the smallest.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Libraries, schools and debating rings are freely accessible for all.

Coming of Age Rites

The access of an institute of higher learning is expected to move one into adulthood.

Funerary and Memorial customs

A body is to be burned there is no other option as this is the way that is sustainable.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty is a luxury the mind is what is greatest.

Gender Ideals

Both genders are supposed to seek knowledge. Otherwise they are free to search for their own path.

Courtship Ideals

Usually a slow process based on demonstrating intellectual superiority.

Relationship Ideals

A single man and woman together is considered appropriate and optimal.

Major organizations

The Steeple, The Scholar's army, The Grand Academy for Future Leaders.
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