Leiutenant Leyna Character in The World as it Were | World Anvil
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Leiutenant Leyna

Leiutenant Leyna Ois (a.k.a. Ley-Ley)

"I stand for those who cannot. I stand against the dark. I stand for the people of Vilgefortz. I have known loss and defeat but I shall not abandon you. For Vilgefortz we are made. We are the light that cuts the dark!"   "He's gone then." "Aye lass he's gone." "Never thought he'd actually go for it." "He has left us right in the mud. Been raining for days and though he's bottom of our little group we ain't coming out of this easy."' "Still for him to just take his horse in the middle of the night and go, I can't believe it." "Look you two we have a job to do. Ain't go no time to think about Gras, ain't got time for any of this, we gotta pull out before the Gnomish Sugar goes up. No backchat we're gone."- Bleached Trees

Physical Description

Facial Features

Rather plain but with wide expressive eyes full of emotion.

Apparel & Accessories

Usually wears the Vilgefortzi army's uniform.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





She was a peasant on her family farm digging up turnips and beets. She was inducted into the militia and learnt to use a spear. From their having found a cause to fight for she learnt a simple amount of fighting and began the soldiering life.


She has been a farmer, part of a militia and a soldier.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes in fighting for high ideals and not succumbing to the weaknesses of the world.

Personality Characteristics


To serve the people of Vilgefortz and make it a better future for its people.


Contacts & Relations

Her squad, her friends.

Family Ties

They are the people she fights for them hardest of all.

Religious Views

Believes in The Champion as the greatest of Gods.

Wealth & Financial state

"I don't do it for the coin."
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
6626 22 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in a stable
Tawny brown eyes
Shoulder length, an unruly chestnut brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fairly pale.
5' 5''
11st 6ibs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"We stand together!"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Vilgefortzi, Borag, Lokinsi.

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