Blackrobe Character in The World as it Were | World Anvil
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"In the night I act, I have many years done and many years left. Silvereyes has said the work we do is something that will grind our souls to dust, leave much less than came before. He is right of course, it is unlikely he has ever been wrong. I have been in the room where the Triarch's speak. I know the minds at the top of this Great country. You are the future and you should know the shadows will be your only friend. You will become tools, not beings anymore. It will be a slow death but a death all the same. I am not a being anymore but I accept that. If you are to pursue this path then know you will be altered entirely. It is up to you if you wish to pursue this. It is worth it. Your lives as mine are worthless in the grand scheme. Give your lives fully today to the Empire or leave now to enjoy a noble's bodyguard position. The training starts at Sunfall. Be there or be gone from the city."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is slight and forgettable. In armour she is a living shadow bent towards murderous ends.

Body Features

A true assassin changes her appearance to fit the mission and to avoid compromise.

Identifying Characteristics


Special abilities

An exceptional command of umbramancy and conjuration.

Apparel & Accessories

She exists wrapped in a black armour, helm and shroud. Her blade eats light and adds to her effect.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

She is female though expresses it little.


Though typically preferring men especially warriors, she will complete what is required.


Most is forgotten, it is known she studied at the Imperial War college and graduated with honours. Following this she appears briefly in the classes of the Colleges of Magic and finally disappears.


Many suspect a grooming by the Master of Darmount, Silvereyes, from her youth. It is likely she has been his agent her entire life.

Morality & Philosophy

She knows her life is not her own but she knows who she serves, the man known as Silvereyes is in her mind more powerful than any God and from what she has seen in her missions she knows treachery results in particularly cruel fates.

Personality Characteristics


To serve faithfully and bring forth the Empire's Future. To train the next generation.


Contacts & Relations

She works closely with a number of Silvereye's servants. With her master she is friendly. A true servant.

Religious Views

She worships The Raven Queen as her ways guide her. She also honours The Rope as master of her trade.

Wealth & Financial state

She is as wealthy as a successful merchant but by Silvereye's grace.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Working for Silvereyes
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Circumstances of Birth
Born at midnight on the winter solstice.
Current Residence
Ebon-Roost Manor
She/ Her
A frozen blue as purest ice.
A long raven's black in a ponytail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A tanned skin dulled by too long in her armour.
5' 6''
10st 9ibs
Worships the Raven Queen and The Rope
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Unknown the extent but most if not all.

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