Sassaria Geographic Location in The Witch-Star Theorem | World Anvil


With a thick atmosphere and even thicker jungle coverage, Sassaria a hot and humid planet that at times feels like you have to swim through the air. And that's just the way the Khuvipiri like it. The thick canopy and underbrush both protected them as their species evolved, and continues to provide shelter from the worst of the solar radiation from their large star.


The vast jungle scape that fills valleys, gorges, and plains, is broken only by the occasional mountain that rises out of the ground to scrape the belly of the clouds.   The land is fragmented and broken and would be difficult to traverse even without the everpresent vegitation. If one does happen to find themselves in the jungle, their travel would be constantly interrupted by wide canyons and gorges (they themselves being filled with thick vegetation), sheer cliff faces, massive-trunked trees, not to mention the simple but great difficulty in attempting to traverse all these things and the more minor (in scale and scope) objects like small rocks and tree roots.    Of course, most of these obstacles are assuming one is traveling on traditional legs. For the Khuvipiri, they present no trouble at all, and aren't even seen as an issue in most cases.

Fauna & Flora

At the limit of every city, and many towns, there are signs posted. Reminding citizen and offworlder alike that every individual attempting to enter the jungle should be carrying a medium caliber Slug Thrower, at best, and any defensive spells and artifacts they own.   Alongside that sign, there is another warning. Telling the reader to not consume the native plant life, unless it's been cleared by a class Mu House Spirit or an Alchemist of grade L2 or higher. If one does, they are accepting the risk of ingesting toxins incompatible with their own physiology and the ugly, and painful, consequences.

Natural Resources

As with most planets that are abundant with plant and animal life, Sassaria is rife with magical components and alchemical ingredients.    Many of the rarer ones are deep within the jungle, in places that even the Khuvipir natives would hesitate and struggle to get to.


In the urban centers of Sassaria, especially those near the coast, large flocks of tourists flock to the planet in an attempt to take advantage of the melding of jungle warmth and ocean air. Taking in the sights and sounds in a temperature far more comfortable than that of a majority of the planet.


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