Khuvipir Species in The Witch-Star Theorem | World Anvil


Scaled and ophidian, the Khuvipir bear a resemblance to the serpents of Vownuh, albeit on a larger scale. With soft scales across their whole body, they are lithe and flexible and have found work across the stars doing everything from engineering work in close quarters to the oldest profession in the galaxy.

Basic Information


Standard humanoid from the waist up, they are prehensile tail from the waist down.    On their head and neck is 'hood' that flairs out when an individual becomes stressed. The hood is larger on females than it is on males.

Genetics and Reproduction

Contrary to what most believe, the Khuvipir do not lay eggs but give birth to live young.    Only able to carry up to two children safely, the standard gestation period is seven months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Khuvipir take eighteen years to reach physical maturity and twenty-two to reach mental maturity.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer a warm, jungle environment and will be greatly hindered by any temperature below temperate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous, the Khuvipir are predators. While they once ate their prey whole, they advanced past that when they gained the ability to bring down larger game. They do still have a habit of consuming chunks of food large enough to be considered unsafe, however.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Humanoid face, with a diamond-like shape. The most like prominent feature is the large fangs that take up a large portion of the mouth. Usually folded up against the roof of the mouth, they can be deployed at will though the Khuvipir in question would not be able to close their mouth.

Average Intelligence

An average IQ of 101

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyesight is poor to standard, but they also have two other senses in their advantage.   The first being an incredible sense of taste, which, while not truly suited for tracking as a hounds might be, it can inform them of people in quite a large radius around them.   the second being the incredibly sensitive muscles in their under stomach that allows them to feel the footfalls of other terrestrial species with an incredible degree of accuracy.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Hard to replicate with the average humanoid mouth, Khuvipir names are smooth and melodic. Most often, those that are close to a Khuvipir will simply get as close as they can, and the individual in question will simply treat it as a nickname.

Beauty Ideals

The trait most commonly sought after is the sheen of the scales. Shining scales are a sign of health. Farther than that, they look for the health of the cranial hood and the usual humanoid standard.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is a long-running affair with Khuvipir, involving many gifts exchanged back and forth. This...drawn-out nature can frustrate other species with quicker courtship rituals.

Relationship Ideals

They mate early and for life.

Average Technological Level

Galactic standard, mostly specializing in artifice and enchanting magitech.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The most commonly witness custom is the Khuvipir's usual greeting, that being their greeting 'coil'. When meeting an individual they are familiar with, Khuvipir will coil around each other in a way similar to a hug. It is a quick movement so it can really surprise and even cause panic in individuals that are unaware.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They have cultivated a highly positive relationship with the rest of the galaxy, pushing the image of Khuvipir being skilled engineers and great resources for places like ship and construction yards.
Scientific Name
Rectus Prudens Serpentum
Rubyhood, Emeraldhood, Saphirehood, Topazhood
90 years
Average Height
From the waist up, the average height is between three and three and a half feet.
Average Weight
300 pounds
Average Length
From the waist down, they average between eight to ten feet in length.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their scales can cover a range of greens, reds, blues, and yellows.


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