
The Skoltari, a faction that once emerged within the Church of the Holy Triad, bears the weight of a dark and tragic history. Named after Skoltar, an early Thrice Blessed Servant who led the faith astray and sought power from abyssal forces, the Skoltari were ultimately deposed and cast out when their dark dealings were exposed. As a consequence of their transgressions, they and their descendants became afflicted with a cursed heritage, marked by small horns, pale blue skin, and abyssal markings on their backs. This somber tale serves as a cautionary reminder of the dangers that lie in meddling with abyssal forces.


Name sake

Skoltar, once a revered figure within the Church, succumbed to the lure of power and dark ambitions. Driven by misguided zeal and a thirst for dominion, he led a faction of the faith astray, venturing into the dangerous realms of abyssal powers. Skoltar's dealings with these malevolent forces sought to draw unnatural and forbidden power, defying the very principles of the Triadists' teachings. However, the clandestine activities of Skoltar and his followers did not go unnoticed.

The Fall

The corruption within the Skoltari faction was eventually uncovered by the Church's loyal members. Upon discovering the dark truths behind Skoltar's actions, the Church leaders swiftly moved to depose him and cast out the wayward faction. Skoltar and his followers, now bearing the name Skoltari, were banished from the sacred walls of Trionara-on-Dawnlight and the sanctuaries of the Triadists, forced to dwell in small settlements nearby, forever to see the power of the faith but never be truly part of it.

Outcasts and Guardians

The Skoltari, now outcasts from the Church of the Holy Triad, reside in small settlements surrounding Trionara-on-Dawnlight. While they are forbidden from entering the city except under specific conditions, they have become guardians of sorts, watching over the sacred walls from afar. Due to their cursed heritage, most Skoltari have sought redemption, dedicating their lives to repentance and acts of service, hoping to prove their devotion to the Triadists' teachings.


The Night Vigil:
The Skoltari observe a nightly vigil to honor their ancestors and seek redemption for their past transgressions. During these solemn gatherings, prayers are offered to the Triadists, seeking forgiveness and guidance on the path of righteousness.
Cleansing Rituals:
To dispel the lingering influence of the abyssal powers, the Skoltari perform regular cleansing rituals. These ceremonies involve the use of sacred herbs and waters to purify their bodies and souls.
The Offering of Shadows:
In remembrance of their ancestors' dark deeds, the Skoltari offer symbolic "shadows" to the Triadists. These shadows, often represented by dark-hued objects, are left at sacred sites as a symbol of their repentance and desire to walk in the light.
Symbols of Redemption:
Skoltari individuals seeking redemption may adorn themselves with white or silver accessories, such as necklaces or armbands, to symbolize their dedication to atoning for their ancestors' past mistakes.
The Abyssal Vigil:
Once a year, the Skoltari hold the Abyssal Vigil, a night of fasting and prayer to ward off the influence of the abyssal powers. During this time, they strengthen their resolve to remain faithful to the teachings of the Church.

Naming conventions

Male Names:
Lucian (Light-bringer), Caelum (Heavenly), Atonius (Atonement), Valerian (Strong and Brave), Seraphis (Fiery Seraph), Solarius (Sun Touched).
Female Names: Celestia (Heavenly), Seraphina (Fiery Seraph), Penumbra (Twilight), Luciana (Illuminated), Amara (Eternal), Clarion (Clear and Bright).
Skoltari do not have last names and are instead given their appointed name which is a derivative of the family name of the Triadist who is in charge of them.


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