Silent Death Spell in The Wild Cards | World Anvil

Silent Death

The first and most infamous of the Nine Shadows, this ability is surrounded by rumours and spoken of in myths. Its extreme rarity makes it incredibly hard to research, especially since both mindset and personality greatly impact its precise aspects. It is a Tarot Ability that resists any to all forms of detection, allowing its user to become the ultimate assassin.   Silent Death users may be hard or impossible to hear, see, smell, sense, detect. A user might for example be impossible to hear and spy on through means such as Sensewires, and may even bypass barriers created with Wardstone. Others may go unnoticed even in broad daylight, but set off alarms or guard dogs instead. There are unconfirmed stories of individuals that were completely undetectable.   Due to the large variety in ways this ability has manifested, it is hard to analyze. Current theories are that these variations are only partly caused by a lack of control, and are mostly determined by the person using it. In essence, the kind of stealth that the person's nature is more focused on, is the kind of stealth that will manifest most strongly. Interestingly enough, killing intent sabotages the effectiveness.


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