Barriers Spell in The Wild Cards | World Anvil


The main Tarot ability of the Staves Suit, Barriers come in two flavours: Personalised, and Manifested. At personalised level, this ability is located inside one's body and boosts one's defenses. This allows the user to resist most damage. Unlike armour, a personalised barrier offers good protection against blunt force trauma. Manifested Barriers can block enemy attacks, but require significant effort to maintain.   Due to its defensive properties, Barrier users never have to worry about being Marked of the High Priest for the usage. They can use their abilities openly without prejudice, and often are hired as bodyguards. Because Manifested Barriers require constant upkeep, they do best in narrow areas. Larger areas and prolonged defenses require Wardstone if the user doesn't want to collapse and fail.   While personalised Barriers are boosting its user's body, they should not be mistaken for Physical Augmentation. Asides from the clear defense versus offense distinction, it has been proven that talent in the Staves Suits and Manifested Barriers is intrinsically tied to one's ability to create personalised Barriers, whereas Physical Augmentation is undoubtedly aligned to the Swords Suit.


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Feb 19, 2021 11:49 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I can see why people who use this ability would make good bodyguards :D

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet