Barons of Addison Organization in The Virgo Cluster | World Anvil

Barons of Addison


Essentially a committee of the world leaders with the rank of Baron within the Addison SubSector. There is no Duke that has current control of the subsector and the Barons have taken on the task of representing the people to the Welcome to the Virgo Cluster leadership. They currently relate to the Archduke of the Delta Quadrant of Virgo Sector, but continue to have difficulty getting formal recognition.

Public Agenda

The Barons do have the best interests of the Addison SubSector at heart, although there is disagreement of the best way to achieve those interests and to interact with the Welcome to the Virgo Cluster government.


The Barons formed when the Grand Duke and Arch Duke failed to create a Duke to rule in the subsector. Fearing that they would be left outside of recognition and assistance if attacked by neighboring systems, they formed an ad hoc group. The lack of being able to appoint a long term leader has put the Arch Duke in the position of not recognizing any formal leadership in the subsector. The Barons don't want to appoint a leader (who would probably end up being the Duke) and the Arch Duke doesn't want to choose because any decision would probably be contentious among the rest of the barons.

Foreign Relations

Relations with neighboring subsectors and larger individual systems remains contentious and many inhabitants are in fear of war breaking out at any time. While the Barons continue to keep that from happening, it is probably a matter of time before some conflict erupts along one of the borders.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Banana Republic
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy


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