Asteroid Ice Material in The Virgo Cluster | World Anvil

Asteroid Ice

Asteroid Ice is the prime ingredient in Belter's Blitz. It is the unrefined, natural ice found within asteroid belts. The quality, density, and value varies greatly depending on location and the general availability of water or the minerals contained within the ice. In general, it is a staple that can keep a belter alive until they find more valuable strikes.


Material Characteristics

Looks like ice because it is ice. It's frozen water, but only found in the natural state on, in, or around an asteroid belt.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Generally stable as it's mostly water, but may have other minerals suspended within.

Geology & Geography

Found in asteroid belts as part of or a complete asteroid.

History & Usage


When defrosted and de-mineralized, it can be used as water for basic human subsistence needs.

Everyday use

Used as a source of hydration in asteroid belts and for space stations, and even worlds, where there is not enough water to support human life.

Industrial Use

Can be used as a cooling agent and then the water can be used as a by-product


Trade & Market

Belters and miners will sell to refiners and other industries requiring water or frozen liquid. Sometimes there are useful minerals suspended in the water bringing a premium price. In general, Asteroid Ice is a staple unless it has some rare mineral within it.


If it is to remain in the natural state, it must be kept frozen and in a vacuum to forestall sublimation. However, it can be melted in large storage tanks and supplied in liquid form for distribution.
Elemental / Molecular
Common in asteroid belts
None in natural environment (vacuum)
Varies widely by location, but most people do not like it, usually with a strong mineral or salty flavor
varies, usually a cloudy or milky white or off-white
Boiling / Condensation Point
100 degrees Celsius
Melting / Freezing Point
0 degrees Celsius
Usually about the same as frozen water
Common State
Related Locations


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