The Void Rangers Organization in The Vast | World Anvil

The Void Rangers


The Void Rangers are the expeditionary and military force of the Interislian Concord. Their mission is to explore and document new reaches of the Vast, and they are continuously seeking new paths along The Vein in this pursuit. Though well-armed, they are a diplomatic organization first and foremost. Violence is only used in defense.  


At their lowest level, void rangers are assigned to the crew of an exploratory voidship. Rectuirs answer to a squad captain, who answers to a ship captain. In cases where multiple ships are part of the same expedition, ship captains take orders from a scion. Scions have authority almost equal to a concordant, as they are frequently in areas where communication with headquarters takes far too much time to wait for a response. In an emergency, scions are authorized to make diplomatic decisions regarding new discoveries.  


The Rangers accept members from every isl, as long as they can pass the entrance requirements. Recruits need to be in good health, have an advanced education in general fields and at least apprentice level in diplomacy. Knowing multiple languages is not a requirement, but is a great benefit.   While the Rangers are a diverse organization, segregation and racism can be commonplace, especially between Desparan and Kerekan members. For that reason, recruiters try to assign squads where the member all share something in common, be it language, species, interests, or origin. Squad cohesion is an important factor in forming expeditions. A squad that can't cooperate with each other or others may never get the chance to leave The Nexus.  


The Void Rangers is an organization of inclusion. They do not follow any one culture or religion, and accept any that their members chose to follow as long as it does not interfere with their duties as a ranger. Rangers are expected to show tolerance toward all others regardless of beliefs or habits. Those that fail to do so face expulsion.

Reach eternally onward.

Expedition, Military
Alternative Names
Rangers, Voiders
Power Structure
Transnational government
Parent Organization


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