Ship: SGTN Finger of Midas Vehicle in The Utopian Revelation | World Anvil
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Ship: SGTN Finger of Midas

The Finger of Midas is a relatively new ship in the Singleton line. The schematics and purpose of the ship have never been officially released beyond "goods and services transport", though there were obvious modifications to the freighter that are unregistered.   The Finger, otherwise known as "Little Midas", was besieged by a heavy raid from the Hausaga Syndicate and reported captured or destroyed along with all crew save the 3 launched and recovered Escape Pods. Barstow Singleton released an official statement condemning the Syndicate and the rising threat of piracy and crime in The Rim and beseeching the Allied Terran Systems to make greater strides in their anti-piracy campaign.
"Little Midas"
Owning Organization

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