Al'Rhudi Geographic Location in The Utopian Revelation | World Anvil
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Al'Rhudi was discovered in the early days of humanity's Rim exploration in the year 2265 and stands as a remarkable testament to the adaptability of human civilization to extraterrestrial environments. Classified as an Ocean World, Al'Rhudi is devoid of traditional continents, covered entirely by a single vast ocean biome. This unique planetary type allows for the extraction and purification of water resources on an unprecedented scale, and the planet has become a vital hub for water recycling and purification technologies.   Al'Rhudi's ecosystem, thriving beneath the ocean's surface, is a delicate balance of diverse marine life adapted to the peculiar conditions of the planet. The population, consisting of around 2000 individuals, primarily comprises ex-Bounty Hunters and their families, engineers, and water rig workers. The planet has a fascinating history, with human colonization dating back to the early 23rd century. Its discovery marked a turning point in humanity's exploration of habitable worlds, demonstrating our ability to thrive in environments previously deemed inhospitable. With its unique features, hidden mysteries, and the invaluable role it plays in water resource management, Al'Rhudi stands as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of human civilization among the stars.

Locations of Interest

Al'Rhudi Oasis

The first of the two Water Purification Rigs, it is now stationary and defunct in regards to processing enough water to deliver any of note to the ships descending past the Halba Defensive Platform above. It instead serves as an isolated community of former hunters for the Bounty Hunter's Guild and their families seeking a solitary life. The platform maintains a singular platform for a Large aerial vehicle, allowing easier entry and exit from the Rig for its residents, a a handful of fishing vessels, and a single Submerible from its days as a functioning Water Recycling Rig. They primarily consume fish from Al'Rhudi, aquatic vegetation, and the results of their Ponics lab that is carefully maintained to support the 1000 residents.

Oasis Two

The Oasis Two serves as the primary Water Purification Rig for the Bounty Hunter's Guild, allowing fresh water for their ships and a constant export to other organizations for a flow of income. This income helps maintain the facility's health. Unlike Al'Rhudi Oasis, this rig does still travel along the surface of the Ocean and serve its second function of mapping the hidden depths of the planet.   Its contingent of 1000 engineers, scientists, and laborers focus on the steady work of maintaining the function and habitability of the Rig. Unlike Al'Rhudi Oasis, the Rig does not accept non-Bounty Hunter's Guild vessels and has been known to shield itself with its Aquatic Physical Shield to prevent the approach of unauthorized vessels after a string of attempted pirate raids in decades past. While it does boast a Large Vehicle landing pad like its twin, it rarely uses that for delivery of cargo. It is well-boasted that only the best of Guild pilots and crews are sent to hover their vessels above the waves beside the Rig and allow the large cranes to move the huge water containers into their cargo bays.

The Trial

Treated as a local tradition, it is widely known amongst workers on Al'Rhudi that all inhabitants and potential workers must first brave "The Trial". Any residents must board one of the Submersibles on either Rig and be taken to the depths of the ocean to both show their bravery as well as gain the appreciation for the planet's underwater marvels. The tradition is so well followed that it is know that many workers have been mocked and turned away from employment for failure to participate in the tradition.

Poem of the Trial

Where the oceans breathe in Al'Rhudi's Heart, Gather, all to the azure waves, Finding the secrets only the Abyss may impart, To seek the truth all wanderers crave.   With ignorance, we plunge into the unknown, Beneath the surface, where the shadows dance, A pact we forge in the ocean's deep throne. To travel depths and surface both in a reverent stance.   In the quiet, where the ocean sings, We respect the enigma that lies below, Discovering solace born on liquid wings. Find in the deep our unending echo.   Craven and Cruel plunder the surface, Never learning of the mysteries below, So we all dive, sons and daughters, Granting us all what we each must know.   So our trial unfolds, the watery decree, In Al'Rhudi's embrace, where currents entwine, We honor the depths and the truth set free. We must all greet the Abyss in our journey divine.


Oceanic Biome

Al'Rhudi, an oceanic paradise, spans the entirety of its surface as a vast and interconnected waterworld. Beneath its shimmering waves lies a diverse ecosystem, home to elusive aquatic species and vibrant coral formations. Its expansive ocean currents create a dynamic environment, offering breathtaking views of bioluminescent displays during the night. Floating habitats provide homes for the few humans that live upon the ocean's surface. These Water Recycling Rigs, each either tethered to the ocean floor or walking upon it via their massive mechanical legs, serve as living quarters for its inhabitants, and the distant horizon is a continuous line of sparkling water under the caress of Al'Rhudi's balmy winds.


Al'Rhudi's ecosystem is a marvel of adaptation. The floating habitats are intricately designed to coexist with the diverse marine life below. Seaweed farms thrive near the surface, providing sustenance for both the population and marine creatures. Schools of bioluminescent fish navigate the waters, creating a mesmerizing display at night. The ex-Bounty Hunter community has embraced a symbiotic relationship with the planet, developing technologies to harvest water resources efficiently and maintain ecological balance.

Ecosystem Cycles

Seasonal variations on Al'Rhudi are subtle due to its oceanic nature. The migration patterns of some marine species, responding to shifts in water temperature, bring occasional changes. During these cycles, the ex-Bounty Hunter community adjusts their activities, focusing on resource harvesting and celebrating the interconnectedness of life beneath the waves.

Localized Phenomena

The planet experiences constant storms emerging out of seemingly nowhere except, as the rumors claim enough, over the Water Purification Rigs that serve as the homes for many humans upon its surface. It also experiences "Aqua-Whirls," mesmerizing water vortexes that occur periodically across its surface. These natural phenomena, while enchanting, can be hazardous to navigation. The Aqua-Whirls are a result of intricate oceanic currents interacting with underwater topography, creating stunning yet unpredictable whirlpools that demand careful navigation.


Al'Rhudi boasts a stable and balmy climate throughout the year. Gentle winds carry the scent of saltwater, and occasional rains replenish the planet's vast ocean. Storms randomly appear all along its surface but are incredibly intense, contributing to the planet's purification processes. The temperature remains comfortably warm, fostering a tranquil atmosphere for the inhabitants and their floating homes.The oceanic biome hosts a myriad of creatures, from luminescent jellyfish to graceful underwater fliers. Seaweed varieties provide sustenance, and the ex-Bounty Hunter community has cultivated floating gardens for small crops. Advanced technologies enable a harmonious coexistence between humans and the diverse marine life, fostering a sustainable balance.

Fauna & Flora

The oceanic biome hosts a myriad of creatures, from luminescent jellyfish to graceful underwater fliers. Seaweed varieties provide sustenance, and the ex-Bounty Hunter community has cultivated floating gardens for small crops. Advanced technologies enable a harmonious coexistence between humans and the diverse marine life, fostering a sustainable balance.

Natural Resources

Al'Rhudi's resources center around water purification and mineral extraction. The ocean's depths hold valuable minerals used in advanced filtration systems. The purified water is a sought-after resource, traded with nearby planets. Additionally, the floating habitats are equipped with hydroponic farms, ensuring a self-sustaining ecosystem for the community.


Discovery (2265): Al'Rhudi was discovered during the second wave of Rim exploration. Its pristine oceans and potential for water purification drew the attention of a group of colonists seeking refuge on the edge of the known galaxy and a new purpose. Prior to the formation of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, the oceanic world served as a refuge and sanctuary for many ships seeking to refill their water supplies while exploring the Rim or before venturing into the Depths.   Colonization (2290): A colonist community, joined by engineers and water rig workers, established the first floating habitats on the ocean's surface, the main Water Purification Rig named "Al'Rhudi's Oasis". They implemented advanced technologies for water purification for transportation off-world and developed a unique way of life in harmony with the planet's ecosystem. This first rig was designed with the ability to float upon the surface of the water as well as extend its massive bracing legs down into the depths to better manuever and map the Oceanic world.   Integration (2335): Al'Rhudi became a vital hub for water purification in the sector. The first Rig was soon protected by the Halba Defensive Platform when the system came under the official protection of the Bounty Hunter's Guild. Soon enough, the nature of the planet and isolation from most trade lanes led to it serving as a sanctuary for retiring Bounty Hunters and their families seeking solitude and sanctuary from retribution. The community of engineers began to integrate former Bounty Hunters, engineers, and their families, forming a tightly-knit society.   Expansion (2348): The age and wear of the "Al'Rhudi Oasis" soon began to show as the necessity for the planet's water grew. The Bounty Hunter's Guild soon commissioned a second rig, "Oasis Two". This new rig was able to better serve the needs of the Guild, allowing the aged Oasis to be repurposed into a permanent living facility without the constant demands of the Water Recycling and Purification.


Tourists are very rare in Al'Rhudi these days, each ship requiring approval from the Halba Defensive Platform to approach the aquatic haven. However, prior to the building of the Halba Defensive Platform, Al'Rhudi was known to attract visitors for its unique blend of pristine nature and advanced technology. Attractions once include guided underwater tours to witness the diverse marine life and opportunities to participate in the water purification process. The Aqua-Whirls, though potentially hazardous, are a mesmerizing spectacle and were once a favorite among adventurous tourists.
High Concept: Oceanic Planet With No Land-Masses
Trouble: Unexpected Storms, Treacherous Tidal Currents, and Abyssal Depths
Pristine Waterworld Oasis for the Weary Traveler
Outward Appearance: Glistening Sapphire Gem in the Cosmic Ocean
Habitability Aspect: Floating Habitats
Resource Aspect: Purification of Liquid Treasures and Mineral Wealth
Population Aspect: Unified Community of Ex-Bounty Hunters and Water Workers

Gravity: 2

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Owning Organization
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