Succubi/Incubi Species in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Succubi and Incubi are a race of demons, typically expressing a conventionally attractive form, infamous across the planes for tempting mortal souls and engendering misery and destruction through their seductive manipulations. They are sometimes called lust demons.  


A succubus, when in her natural form, resembles an incredibly beautiful and alluring human woman, with a lithe figure and dangerously seductive features. Despite their comeliness, succubi possess several clearly demonic attributes, not the least of which are a pair of large, bat-like wings sprouting from their shoulders and sinuous, writhing tails. Of course, it is very rare that a succubus's victim actually sees this form as they are adept at shifting forms to become whatever their victims would find most attractive.   An incubus in his true form is always muscular and attractive, with long hair and intense eyes. His skin can be of any colour, but is always smooth and silky. They also have curving horns which betray his demonic origin. When not using his wings for flight, an incubus can fold them to drape across its shoulders like a cloak—many decorate both the inside and outside of their wings with tattoos, ink, or self-inflicted scars.  


With a kiss of their lips, an embrace in their arms, or something more intimate, a succubus or incubus can drain the life energy of a mortal who lack stamina, weakening them in every aspect or wounding their psyche until they die or escape and took time to recover. For mortals who are unwilling—and the certain few who are willing—the succubus or incubus would have to charm or grapple them to lay thier kiss somewhere. Caught in the throes of passion, victims often don't notice their life being drained away, unless they can keep their heads. Moreover, as with a suggestion spell, the kiss of a demonic succubus or incubus can make the victim desire another kiss if they did not have the willpower to resist, and yet another, so they inevitably and willingly gave up their energy to the demon. Originally, demonic succubi and incubi are presumed to be capable of any kind of suggestion, without need of a kiss.  

Habitat and Society

Succubi and Incubi dwell primarily in the depth of the Abyss, particularly the Midnight Isles, the layer ruled by their mother and patroness, Nocticula. Despite this, they are not uncommon on the Material Plane where they enjoy sowing chaos with their manipulations. They savor the sweet taste of a mortal's life-force and possess the ability to drain it with their infamous soul-sucking kisses. Despite their relative physical weakness when compared with other demonic races such as hezrous or glabrezus, they can achieve very high ranks amongst the fiendish hierarchy thanks to their complex machinations, and many abyssal conflicts have started thanks to their subtle, scheming influences. Succubi and Incubi tend to be created from the souls of particularly lustful and rapacious mortals, damned to the Abyss. The demon lord Nocticula is said to be the first succubus. She is therfore worshipped by the succubi and incubi.


Outsider (Fiend)
Chaotic Evil
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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