Half-Orc Species in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Half-orcs are result of orcs mating with other humanoid races. Several orc tribes actively work toward breeding half-orc children for their greater mental capabilities. These half-breeds are despised by most of the world, however, which sees them as the spawn of violence or a filthy perversion.  


Half-orcs vary in appearance more than most other races, ranging from more orc-like features such as greenish skin and protruding lower tusks to near human with little more to distinguish them as half-orcs than prominent noses, jawlines and brows. Some of the offspring of orcs and human however have dominant human traits making them appear as if they were completely human. Regardless of facial appearance, virtually every half-orc has a stature far larger than that of the average human. Their hair most often is dark, favoring shades of brown, gray, or even dark red, although black is the most common. Their eyes are often small and beady, while their ears are almost always pointed.  


Half-orcs are the target of pronounced and often violent prejudice throughout much of Goloria. They are seen as the offspring of violence or perversion and are shunned because of it. Their bestial facial features also inspire terror and revulsion in many humanoids. This is most true in the regions around the Kingdoms of Fyres southern border, where the greatest concentration of orcs can be found, as these areas most frequently suffer under the warlike and brutal thumb of the orcs. Being a half-orc in human-dominated society is not all bad, however. They often excel in professions where strength and intimidation are a boon, such as bodyguards, caravan guards, and enforcers.

Life in the Tribe

Half-orcs living in orc societies generally find that they are smarter but considerably weaker than those around them. Because of this deficiency, most are taken as slaves. Those who excel in warfare and skill at arms often find themselves reaching positions of leadership. These individuals are very rare. Others become witch doctors or shamans, masking their true nature behind elaborate masks that they must always wear.

Life in Human Society

Half-orcs living in majority human societies often have a hard time fully integrating, partially because of the prejudice directed towards them, but also because of their innately savage and impulsive nature. They are also prone to impatience, greed, and violence, traits that tend to push them into the margins. Despite these tendencies, half-orcs are capable of displaying the full set of human emotions.


Type: Humanoid   Adjective: Half-orc   Age: Up to 65 years old   Height: 6ft. 2in.   Weight: 280lbs
Genetic Ancestor(s)
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