Dolrar Organization in The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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With the nefarious Yuan-ti Empire right on their northern border, one would think the ursil nation of Dolrar must be fearsome warriors, indeed. The bear-folk most certainly don't disappoint in that regard, but there is more to them than most would think.


The ursil value strength and skill in battle. As such, they consider their own worth and the worth of others based on these factors. Those more skilled on the field of battle naturally lead those less talented.   The hierarchy is quite informal on the level of a community and is often determined by nonlethal contests such as boxing, wrestling, and footraces. Each community effectively has their own contests and rules, and anyone who engages in them fairly is worthy of a certain level of honor.   While all are warriors, this focus is not absolute. Many engage in professions that allow for the survival of the community, and some even engage in artistic pursuits. Those too old to fight and compete are not forgotten, either, as their experience and wisdom is highly revered.   Dolraran civilization as a whole is ruled by an elite group of individuals known as the Unbroken. These remarkable people have survived a series of trials known as the Thirteen Ordeals. None but the Unbroken know what these trials entail, save that they are utterly lethal to the unworthy.


Dolrar is a nation deceptively full of history. It was destroyed, and rebuilt. It has been everything from a collection of raiders to a proud nation heroically standing against the yuan-ti.   According to their stories, the ursil have always been in the mountains. They lived as primitive tribesmen until some time after the First Rising. One of their villages started to grow into a city named Dolrar, and a nation formed around it.   How their civilization grew so fast is one of the greatest mysteries in all the Twin Worlds. They even had an especially powerful weapon, an explosive known only as Powdered Fury. The might of the ursil civilization was unmatched, and they knew it would always stay that way.   This assumption was shattered by the Second Rising. The mind flayers knew full well how powerful the ursil were. They attacked with all their might, a tactic made much easier by the subtle methods used against the neighboring Kingdom-in-the-Boughs. Legions of thralls and their horrifying masters threw themselves against the walls of Dolrar. Many died, but many more came.   For the first time in their history, the ursil were on the verge of defeat. However, their enemies underestimated their will to escape bondage. When the mind flayer legions swept through the city, the ursil used their Powdered Fury to bury the city, destroying all attackers and defenders in one fell swoop.   Most of the ursil civilization was invested in its now-destroyed capital city. Their nation in shambles, the bear-folk made their way south into the lowlands. There they lived as raiders, effectively becoming nothing short of a plague for the surrounding peoples.   After generations of being little more than bandits, one was born with greater aspirations. This was Cand Romerrac, and he dreamed that his people would have a home again. With his strength and cunning, he united his people. In the end, he had an army of very formidable warriors.   With this army, he sought to conquer Hnng'yar. He struck suddenly and without warning. One by one the outlying communities were taken, or had their populations killed. The Hnng'yari armies mobilized soon after and clashed with the seemingly unstoppable force of ursil.   Romerrac's forces were handily defeated, and were forced back up north, a shadow of their former selves. Despite some opposition, Romerrac proved himself strong enough to remain their leader. Humbled, he lead them into the mountains to create their own home.   During their travels, a group accompanying Romerrac came across the ruins of a town named Rondrak. There they discovered much of their own history, including the story of Dolrar. They endeavored to rebuild Rondrak, to recreate the glory of Dolrar of old.   The new nation of Dolrar was still a fledgling country when the Third Rising came. The attacks on the country were not nearly as overwhelming as those on its namesake city. The Overbrain was quickly made to regret its underestimation of them. It was preparing for an even tougher attack, but it was destroyed by Larrison and Avela Darkwood before it could strike.   Many years later, they were attacked from an angle they were unprepared for. From the harsh north, snake-folk calling themselves yuan-ti claimed the mountains in the name of the empire they had been building. The attack was unexpected, but the ursil were always prepared for a fight and thus quickly fought them off.   The two peoples have been in a constant state of war ever since. This conflict has colored the opinions of the surrounding peoples, as well. Where once Dolrar was seen as a nation of brutes, now they are seen as heroes protecting Hr'ask'r from the reptilian menace.

Demography and Population

Dolrar is populated almost exclusively by ursil. As with many other nations of Hr'ask'r, it has a healthy population of tamblin. Tabaxi are also somewhat common in the southern reaches.


Dolrar is the smallest nation on Hr'ask'r, smaller even than the territory ruled by the Republic of Hnng'yar. They control the mountain range that seperates the Yuan-ti Empire from the rest of the continent, and basically nothing else. Fortunately for them, the ursil don't value territory that much.   These mountains are moderately sized, creating difficulties when it comes to construction and navigation, but they aren't so harsh as to make them totally unlivable. The Dolrarans still take great pride in their homes, having conquered the mountains as their own.   The mountainous region is home to many strange furred reptiles that fill all the necessary roles in the local ecosystem. Magical beings are common as well, such as perytons, basilisks, and creatures of elemental earth. Dragons also exist here, but aren't as common as they are in the surrounding jungle, where materials to build their nests abound.   The weather is generally very temperate, much cooler than the surrounding areas. This weather is remarkably unpredictable, however. One hour might have beautifully mild weather, only for a storm to roll through the next.


It is said that all ursil of Dolrar are warriors. It might be an exaggeration, but it is not much of one. Almost all at least own a weapon and a great many know how to use it. Given the size and strength of the ursil, this makes invading Dolrar a very dangerous prospect.   They have no formal military, but it doesn't take much to mobilize the Dolrarans to fight. They not only respond very quickly to threats, but frequently perform raids into yuan-ti territory. This is considered a rite of passage for young ursil.   As much as the bear-folk favor physical prowess, they dislike magic. Even though the ursil are, by and large just as intelligent as other peoples, they consider magic to be a cheap way to get ahead. Such a thing is an anathema to their culture.

Foreign Relations

Dolrar has a very long history of conflict with the other nations of the continent. Even though some disputes do happen somewhat regularly, full-on wars are mostly a thing of the past. They don't have much of a relationship with surrounding nations, although occasionally trading with Voror.   The most important diplomatic relationship they have is their constant war to keep the Yuan-ti Empire at bay. The snake folk have long been seeking to conquer the people on the other side of the mountains, but the Dolrarans have been very successful in beating them back.

Agriculture & Industry

The mountainous region in which Dolrar resides is ill suited to the growing of crops. Herding livestock is far more common, which suits the carnivorous diet of the ursil better, anyway. The primary herd animal is a creature called manaar, a reptilian creature similar to a goat.   The nation is also home to a great many craftsman from carpenters to stonemasons. Blacksmiths are valued due to the warrior culture. While they have some talent, they lack the legendary skill of peoples like the dwarves and minotaurs.

Trade & Transport

The people of Dolrar don't engage in much trade. They greatly value self sufficiency and thus don't rely on imports. Likewise, their lack of interest in mercantile matters means they don't do much exporting, either.   The peerless weapons and armor produced in the minotaur nation of Voror are heavily prized, but individual items make their way into the country, as opposed to importation in large quantities. Many ursil leave Dolrar, often hiring themselves off as mercenaries or joining adventuring companies.


The mountains are home to many communities of varying sizes. These towns are connected via trails and roads that wind their way through the peaks. These trails tend to be confusing and hard for outsiders to find, but their layout is necessary due to the uneven terrain.
Founding Date
Late 2nd Age
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Economic System
Controlled Territories

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