Zoroastrianism Organization in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil


Zoroastrianism or Mazdayasna is one of the world's oldest continuously practiced religions, based on the teachings of the Iranian-speaking prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zaraθuštra in Avestan or Zartosht in Modern Persian). Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord) is the deity that is at the heart of the religion, and Ahriman is a satanic figure, that will be defeated in the last days when good wins out over evil in a final judgement. There is also the belief in the religion of a heaven and hell, and as a religion been round since the 2nd millennium BC. Also, it is messianic, judgement after death, monotheistic in belief, and free will. All these are hinted by many scholars to have influenced many other religions it has had contact with (such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, to name the obvious).   As a religion, it is found throughout Persia, especially in the east, and extends well into the Indian subcontinent. Its religious texts is known as the Avesta. Zoroastrianism's core teachings include:
  • Follow the Threefold Path of Asha: Humata, Huxta, Huvarshta (Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds).
  • Charity is a way of keeping one's soul aligned with Asha and thus of spreading happiness.
  • The spiritual equality and duty of men and women alike.
  • Being good for the sake of goodness and without the hope of reward.
They also believe water & fire spiritual as they are natural for purity & survival. Rituals involving these are important these are important, and priests usually keep a sacred flame burning in their temples (sometimes referred to as fire temples. Burials are treated in special ways as the corpse is seen as a thing of decay and not allowed to pollute the natural / divine world. For this they are left on top of sky temples for carrion birds such as vultures to eat, after the funeral. A few will cremate the dead seeing the flames as purifying the corpse, and those buried are placed in a lime covered tomb to break down the body quickly and efficiently.    They see life as a constant battle of good verses evil, and all mortals have to fight against the evil. They also see life as a temporary state, and the soul (urvan) will return to its personal/higher soul (fravashi) when the person dies.
Religious, Organised Religion
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