Wild Boar

Wild Boar, the ancestors of the modern pig is a wildly ranged animal found throughout Eurasia. They a highly adaptable species living in a number of environments. Revered in some societies it is repulsive in a few others.   Wild boar have had a major cultural impact on many Indo-European peoples with the Classical Greek states, the Indian Hindu peoples, the Germanic Peoples, and the Celts all viewed them as a warrior animal. Nearly all Classical Greek heroes are known for killing at least one specific boar in their stories. The Brahmanas in Hindu culture are known to have slayed a boar. The Germanic peoples viewed the boar being linked to Freyr  along with their people having a subsect of berserkers who worshipped the boar. Some of them, and the Celts, regularly wore helmets decorated with boar designs. The latter classed them as a sacred animal having unique war trumpets that amplified the sounds when blown creating a disturbing call before & during battle.

Basic Information


Wild boar have a pronounced snout, tusks, and tough hair. Like most mammals, they are sexually dimorphic with the males being 5% to 10% bigger & 20% to %30 heavier than females. Their tusks are their most dangerous feature (beside their temper). They are four-legged and walk on two of their toes but aren't hoofed. Depending on the region the size of the skull, and layout of their underfur & mane can vary somewhat. Their legs appear thin, especially compared to their broad bulky bodies.

Genetics and Reproduction

All wild boar subspecies can interbreed easily with one another, and with tamed pigs. The majority of males live in small groups with boar elders generally live alone, unless during the breeding season, that usually runs from November to January, lasting at least a month to a month & a half. Males will rut until the victor gets to mate with a few females. About 114 to 120 days later piglets are born with about 4 - 6 being the average and a maximum of 11 - 12 being the upper limit.

Growth Rate & Stages

They usually grow over a few years (seven or more) going from; squeaker (piglet), juvenile, pig / boar, old boar, then grand old boar.

Ecology and Habitats

Wild boars live in any number of environments, from forested regions to deserts. They prefer areas with some brush & undergrowth, and water sources even more (for drinking water & bathing). They are found in some regions with water features as they capable swimmers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivores eating a wide range of foodstuffs, whether tubers & roots, to fruits, nuts, insects, worms to carrion.


The boars will regularly avoid predatory creatures especially different wild cats, and the odd larger human region where they are prey species. When it comes to their young, cornered or approached to close, they can be extremely aggressive, even outright aggressive.  They are usually fine around their own kind, though if driven by hunger they will happily kill & eat the young of other species.   Quite intelligent, they can learn some very basic concepts, some of which involves recognising specific individuals of other species in some instances. This allows them to work out potentially friendly or neutral creatures, and those that would do them harm.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The wild boar have an excellent sense of smell, and good hearing.
Scientific Name
Sus Scrofa
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Colonel 101


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