Session 63: On a New Path Report Report in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Session 63: On a New Path Report

General Summary

Fleec has is found himself in a Hamlet south of Luxor, Egypt. Recently having killed two 'traders' who was smuggling gold & the odd young slave from the Sudan, he is spending the downtime with a Coptic Christian Monk.   The monk gives Fleec a map to a spell wrotedown on papyrus that terrified him. Saying it is a spell to protect against Djinn, and it is to be given to a spellcaster from Europe in the north.   Fleec gets a boat on the Nile to Luxor. Eventually arriving in Luxor, he uses the his skills to work out where there are two obelisks with the tops sheered off. Hiding on rooftops to spy on the old temple area of Luxor, he manages to see them and go there. Following the map he finds steps down to an old tomb.   Going down, he finds an old stone door, and pushs it open. An old rectangular room with more steps leading down opposite. A couple of old canopic jars are present but nothing is in them. He hears movement from below and decides to investigate. Down here is another room,with rats present, a set of stairs and a set of doors. A few canopic jars are here but primarily damaged. He lights a torch & places it in the middle of the room to keep the rats away. Searching the canopic jars he finds the papyrus spell.   Hearing moaning and a movement from behind the doors (which are sealed with an old wax seal that's falling apart). Cracking it open a bit, Fleec sees movement of a bipedal creature beyond. Opening it further there's an old sandstone sarcophagus that is opened. It is damaged by water dripping into the room. He find and old wooden coffin that's empty.   Looking round he see's the body kneeling in a corner and he tries to kill it when it starts to move. He gets a hit in, and injures it. Looking closer it is a mummified body with linen wraps on it. Fleec manages to injure it further and drops his shortword. He is faced with an image of dying and laying in the grave for a moment. He jumps back getting this out of his head,jumping back and throwing a dagger at it doing further damage. Taking another dagger, throwing it and finishing the creature off.   Leaving, he assends the steps and is stopped. He hears a voice behind him asking if he found what he was looking for. Turns out they are local assassins, and Fleec aint happy, as they could have helped. They remind him to go north.   Booking a boat, Fleec heads to the noble area of Luxor and steathly follows two young nobles on the way home. Slipping up, he lifts the noble's purse finding 2 gold. Giving one to a begger he pays for the boat.   After 5 days travel he makes Alexandria to hunt for the person in question. All Fleec knows is that he has to hunt for someone with the coat-of-arms of Eschbach.   Getting to the Library of Alexandria & hearing that the Undead is more active after a 'white serpent' was seen in the sea around the port. The sea also froze. All this happened about 3 to 4 months ago.   He's shown where to go and meets a Loxodon Librarian. He mentions that he has just dealt with a group who is taking a look at a damaged underground part of the Library with the Eschbach coat-of-arms. He translates the spell hands it and the original over to Fleec showing him down until he can go ahead himself.   Going down, he runs into the team from Eschbach in a massive disturbing cavern, and ends up talking to Reolus.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Fleec Snow
Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
88 / 61 HP
Report Date
17 Sep 2023


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