Saxon Fyrdmen Military Formation in The True Dark Ages | World Anvil

Saxon Fyrdmen

Saxon Fyrdmen are basic infantry of the Saxon army. They are made up of free men armed with basic weapons and armour. Placed in large units (usually from the same locale) they fight as best they can. Many are recruited for specific campaigns or wars and disbanded when they are of no use any more. Most are recruited by a local noble man to serve for a specified time.



Usual amount per unit is at least 10 men, and usually any adult male in a local noble's domain is recruited into its ranks. This wholly depends on the amount living in the locale.


Their armour is usually a shield, leather helmet, and some have padded armour. A few, usually leaders, would have leather armour. In every case they would have small rations, a bed roll, a seax and sometimes a hand axe. Also, a few would have cooking utensils, and act like mess staff for the others. Basic healing kits, herbs and the like a found throughout the units.


Usually armed with a spear and seax. The odd case would have access to hand axes too. A few of these units would be armed with a single francisca, and a further few would be made into archers with bows, or as skirmishers (with bows), though sometimes armed with slings or javelins. They would have access to seax as well, and the odd time have access to axes.


Usually led by the highest ranking member of the township or village they came from, these men can be local mayors or burgomasters if the recruitment is sufficiently large enough. They in turn report to the noble that recruited them.


The fyrd men are expected to fight in the front lines, using shield walls where possible, and the first two ranks using their spears. If a breech is made they will fight using their seax, or axes if they have any. If armed with francisca, they will open with a flurry of them thrown at the enemy. They also would be used to try to seize objectives, act as diversions, gain the higher ground or protect the flanks.   The archers and skirmishers will try to seize higher ground to allow for volleys of shots. If not will do so from the flanks or rear of the enemy if they can. Also they will employ hit-and-run tactics harassing enemy units.


The members of each unit will get basic training for each of their weapons and armour from a early age, and are expected to keep this up until old age takes them. Many will have access to the majority of these weapons on a daily basis, if not for defence, then for hunting and raiding enemy territory.


Logistical Support

Minimal logistical support. The fyrd men are able to hunt & forage quite easily for food or medicinal needs. The only assets that are needed regularly are different wood working trades, and black / weapon smiths. It is regular to have a few fyrd men with at least some experience in these fields already present.


Usually they have elite units like the Huscarls, and other high ranking nobility present to lead and provide hard hitting support for them.   Sometimes, other troops such as berserkers, mercenaries and non-human allies are also present leading to additional expert soldiery being present to back them up.   Rarely a magic user and / or cleric is present too. The latter is more than welcome, adding to better fervour, and healing amongst the troops.


Minimal upkeep is generally required. Most will have livelihoods outside such as farming that does not require direct maintenance while away on campaign. Most of the arms & armour are owned by the men themselves. Any battle or war that lasts over an allotted time, like into harvest-time, the nobility will incur the costs for them as appropriate.


They are recruited from the local populace of an duchy or equivalent when the call to arms is sent out by the king or highest ranking noble. Each of the able-bodied men are expected to go, and preferably the more experienced the better.


Historical loyalties

They were loyal to their lords in many cases, though many were loyal to king and/or country.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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