The trident coalition The Daffodil marriage.

The Daffodil marriage.


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Jeremiah Clear's daughter, Crystal, marries Alexander Daffodil, the CEO of Daffodil Armaments, which is a competitor of Jeremiah’s company, the Clear Corporation.

Jeremiah Clear was a very old fashioned man, who believed that a woman had no place in business, that only a male heir could take over his company. He also thought that arranged marriages were still a thing and therefore arranged for his daughter, Crystal, to marry Alexander Daffodil. His plan was that the two young people would then give Jeremiah a grandson, and that the Clear Corporation would buy Daffodil Armaments. Jeremiah would get a male heir and would get rid of his main competitor in one blow. It never occurred to him that his daughter might have a mind of her own and actually make her own plans with her fiancé, whom she only pretended to detest, to keep her father from getting suspicious.

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