The trident coalition Execution of Dave "Dreamer" Keller

Execution of Dave "Dreamer" Keller

Life, Death

4/3 7:00

Dave was hanged on the gallows balcony of Aeolus City Court House early in the morning, for the crimes of another man.

On instructions from the Judge the execution of Dave was extra unusual, as the trapdoors of the gallows weren't used, but instead a winch was put up and lifted Dave, so he died of asphyxiation, rather than snapping his neck when he reached the end of the rope.

Justice Plaza was full of people watching the execution, including Crystal Daffodil with her newborn son.

The execution, and the kangaroo court that preceded it led to an overhaul of the justice system, to prevent that gross of a miscarriage of justice ever to occur again. The death penalty was all but abolished, except in times of war, and for bankers who dealt in sub-prime mortgages.

Related Location
Aeolus City Court House
Related timelines & articles
Global Timeline (article)
Dave Keller's Timeline (article)