Roman Character in The Trench | World Anvil
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Yasei "Roman" Sojobo (a.k.a. "Roman" The Eight-Legged Bastard)

An unhinged spider yokai and the only son of Jorogumo. A wild child with a crude and morbid demeanor, he's a menace with pranks that often turn deadly.

Physical Description

Body Features

Physically, Roman possesses an attractive and androgynous appearance of a Japanese human with a thin body, fair skin, a lion's mane of wild, black hair, long eyelashes, amber eyes, and a shortish stature. His canine teeth are hollow on the inside. From which he administers his potent venom and digestive enzymes for feeding. From his back sprouts four long, jointed, spider legs, gold in color with black psychedelic patterns. Each leg ends in a two pairs of hooked claws, which allows Roman to use them as extra sets of hands or suspend his body off the ground. These legs operate very differently from his human legs. Operating on a system similar to hydraulics. Roman's body squeezes blood into them to extend them and then muscles to pull them back. Specialized muscular valves are located at the joints close to prevent Roman from bleeding out if one of these spider legs gets severed. His blood is a pale whitish-green color. He has a faint scar running across his stomach caused by a very close call with a samurai's sword when he was little. Despite his regenerative capabilities, it has never fully healed.

Physical quirks

His androgynous appearance has often led him to be mistaken for a girl. Something he doesn't mind at all and is perfectly willing to play into that assumption for the purpose of securing a potential victim to eat. He once joked that it's how he's avoided becoming involved in every human war that has occurred during his lifetime.

As he is still growing, Roman must molt four times a year. Shedding the exoskeleton of his spider parts and allowing them to grow in proportion to his human parts. The initial shedding takes only a few hours, but the new exoskeleton is soft and needs to harden over the course of a few days. In a rare display of modesty, Roman is embarrassed by this process and secludes himself in his room until the process is complete and his new shell is completely hardened.

Because of his unique biology, Roman is ill-equipped to tolerate extremely cold temperatures. In the cold, he becomes sluggish and the chitin of his arthropod body parts becomes vulnerable to breaking. If exposed for too long, the cold can force him to enter a hibernation-like state.

Special abilities

"You try making silk pajamas for your food as it fights back. It's not easy."  

As a spider yokai, Roman can cling to walls and ceilings, create webs from spinnerettes in his wrists and ankles, and has a powerful venom with necrotic properties. The digestive enzymes he secretes during feeding turn his victim's entire body, bones and all, into a nutrient-rich jelly that he slurps up. Making locating the bodies of his victims impossible. While Roman may appear to be physically weak, the clawed "hands" of his spider legs are deceptively strong, with a grip strength that can easily sever a human limb. The hairs on these same legs are sensitive to vibrations, both in the ground and in the air. Giving him a sort of "sixth sense." His body is incredibly resistant to both disease and toxins. It took four elephant tranquilizer rounds for the Organization to sedate him.

The silk his body produces for his webs is incredibly strong. If this silk is woven together, it creates a fabric as strong as Kevlar. Roman finds it fun to use his webs to rein in great beasts and ride them like he's in a rodeo. The largest monster he's ever wrangled was an adult mudstomper (For approximately seven seconds before it shook him off).

Using yokai magic, Roman can create powerful illusions to confuse opponents. However, as he is still a young yokai whose powers have not yet fully manifested, these illusions require a lot of concentration from Roman and are quite taxing for him to maintain. The stronger the illusion, the more energy it will demand. Too much and it can have potentially deadly consequences for him.

Roman has limited shapeshifting capabilities. So far, he is only capable of absorbing his spider legs to hide them and transforming himself into a purse web spider for escape.

His other yokai abilities include regeneration. He can regrow lost limbs, though this action takes time and energy. Typically, healing fully over a span of two months. Although over a thousand years old, Roman is still young for a yokai. Still, he is incapable of dying via senescence. Once he eventually reaches full maturity, his body will stop physically aging forever.

Apparel & Accessories

Roman shares his mother's affinity for fine clothing but with his own obnoxious flair. His favorite outfit consists of a yellow and purple style silk button-up of his own design. The torso of which is produced in a geometric-patterned fabric of diamonds and crescents, that when looked at from the front, resemble smiling and frowning faces, and the sleeves are made of alternating patterns with the left arm being a fishnet pattern and the right made up of a mosaic pattern with square shapes interspersed within, and matching cuffed trousers were worn with knee-high, lace-up boots. He wears a beaded necklace made of smooth, polished stones that when looked at from the right angle, resembles a cluster of slitted eyes around his neck. Roman is willing to wear just about anything. And I do mean anything. Before engaging in gang shootouts, Roman will paint his face with makeup in a style that resembles a kabuki performer, his great-grandfather Shuten Doji, and KISS lead singer Gene Simmons?

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into the Sojobo royal family of yokai in 888A.D., Sojobo Yaseigumo, or Roman, as he would better become known, was destined for greatness. At least, that’s how it should have been. Had his mother, Jorogumo, not left the family and clan. Right from the start it was apparent that Yasei was a troublemaker and loved being the center of attention. Inheriting his mother’s sadistic and manipulative tendencies with his own special spark of insanity, the quirky Yasei loved nothing more than to scare and play pranks on the mortals who inhabited the villages around his home. But he always made sure he was close enough to hide behind his mother’s dress if things went wrong. It wasn’t until he was 400 years old did he start learning how to go from being a supernatural menace to humans to actively hunting them. Seeing humans as little more than toys to play with or food for him to eat at his leisure. Luring them in with his charms and flamboyant nature before insnaring them in his webs and devouring them. In 1620, Yasei led a local gang of yokai in a street brawl against Dutch supernaturals. After this, the Dutch noted that he led his gang members in a way similar to that of a Roman general, which is where the nickname "Roman" came from. A name that stuck with him. Over the course of the next millennia, Roman slowly accumulated a kill count that rivaled that of a small war. Unfortunately, as the years rolled into the present, a teenage Roman didn’t consider that humans would eventually catch wind of his activities. Not until he was half-conscious in an Organization transfer unit bound for the Trench. Where he was imprisoned among the monsters that the Organization designated as requiring the same minimum security as human prisoners. Unfortunately, the Organization had made the mistake of giving Roman an orc cellmate. One night, the guards were alerted as the orc’s piggish sequels rung out through the cell block. They quickly rushed into the cell to discover the orc barely alive, entangled in webs with half his face burnt away by Roman’s acidic venom. From that point on, Roman was contained in a special cell alone. Where he quickly became bored and turned to finding new ways to annoy and belittle his captors. From crude remarks to the scientists observing him to actively trying to annoy the soldiers guarding his cell. Anything he could do to get a reaction and otherwise be a thorn in the side of the humans unfortunate enough to be assigned to study him. The Organization regarded him as a quirky, yet dangerous, airhead. But unbeknownst to the staff, Roman was secretly gathering any scrap of information he could to escape his cell. His chance came when a new scientist was tasked with observing him. Roman began flattering her with his flamboyant humor and cooperating with her. Over time winning her trust. To the point, he managed to trick her into opening his cell. Allowing the spider prince to escape. It was an hour before a laughing Roman was recaptured. This attempt was followed by seven others, each with the same result. The last time was during the Breakout. Now with the Trench under the control of the monsters, Roman looks over this new world for the supernatural and sees so many new toys to play with. But which to play with first?


"I don't know man, science just seems sort of like one long passive-aggressive argument about everything to me."  

You wouldn't know it by the way he acts, but Roman is actually highly educated. Even when he was a baby, his mother wanted him to have a good education by directly experiencing the world. Most of his knowledge of politics, the natural and supernatural worlds, magic, anatomy, seduction, history, textiles and weaving, and business can be traced back to her.

He's learned quite a few languages that he can speak fluently, not so he can better communicate with people, but just so he can insult them in their native language.


Although technically the heir to the Kwaiden criminal empire, Roman is more content with being a mischief-making wanderer looking for a good misadventure.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Roman's reputation as a clever and slippery thief are of almost legendary status amongst the yokai. It's possible that no one else in the history of the world has gotten away with as much nonsense as he has. Mischief isn't the only thing Roman is good at, as much like his great grandparents, grandparents, and his mother before him, he has an extraordinarily long body count. Though nowhere near as staggeringly high, the number of murders attributed to Roman rivals that of a small war. Making him quite an accomplished killer.

Intellectual Characteristics

On the surface, Roman appears to be an irreverent trickster with a motormouth that spews nonsense. But he is more intelligent and cunning than he comes across. Walking a fine line between thieving genius and mercurial madness.

Morality & Philosophy

Roman is a conflicted character. He's a trickster and thief with a loud bombastic nature, a tendency to act perverse, and an inability to keep his mouth shut. He frequently kills and eats other intelligent lifeforms for sustenance and relishes in doing so. He's a brigand whose primary concern is causing trouble to satisfy his own amusement.

Nevertheless, Roman is a compassionate being -at least when compared to the other members of his family. He's a defender of the helpless and homeless. As well as a proponent of justice. Despite his somewhat predatory worldview and regard of most intelligent beings as food, Roman is willing to forge connections and even friendships with them. With such an ambivalent worldview he has been compared to two minds inhabiting the same body. He often finds outcasts who, like him, were ostracized for things out of their control, and forms gangs of them so that they can find kinship and security in each other. He does not view himself as the leader of these gangs. The nature of leadership imposes order and Roman prefers anarchy. He says he prefers anarchy because it is what allows everyone to do what they want to. He uses this excuse of anarchy and freedom to embrace crime.

Unlike a lot of Supernaturals, Roman finds the Trench liberating as he does not have to hide his identity from humans all the time.


Roman outright refuses to hurt children and will immediately target those whom he sees bring them harm. To the extent that he has brutally executed one of his fellow gang members because of it.

Personality Characteristics


"The night is for fooling around! So, c'mon! Let's have some fun!"   To cause as much mischief as he possibly can.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

"If I can't beat off a room full of guys, then what am I training for."

Don't be fooled by those cheery and nonsensical mannerisms of his. Crafty and slipperier than an eel, Roman relies heavily on his intelligence, agility, quick wit, magic, webs, and the element of surprise to defeat his enemies. While he does have some advanced combat training, he is not physically strong and relies on the assistance of his bodyguard, Pete, for physical confrontations. Though often an instigator, he never goes into fights if he doesn't have to, and always takes the shortcut out of tough situations. Roman prefers to outmaneuver enemies with slippery words but when forced to fight he is still a formidable opponent. He's a clever fighter—when he's cornered. Thanks to his mother's teaching, Roman is adept at infiltration, concealing his presence, and laying traps. As long as Roman's own precious hide is at risk, you could ask for no better comrade in battle. Best not to give him a firearm, though. His excitable nature gives him a rather itchy trigger finger.

Likes & Dislikes

Outside of his love for mischief and causing general chaos, Roman is also a passionate carnivore. Demonstrating his love of meat on multiple occasions and serving as the main hunter in the group. Although his teammates are often rightfully dubious about the source of the meats he procures.   Has a crippling fear of wasps and freezers.

Virtues & Personality perks

"Get a load of all these weirdos. My kind of people!"   Roman is a cheerful yokai. He is naturally talkative and speaks casually with just about anyone he meets, even total strangers. Because of his life experiences of being treated as the lowest of the low, Roman is not a bigoted person. (That doesn't mean he wants to be your friend or exempt you from being the butt of his taunts and jokes) He knows what it's like to be an outcast to not have a place to go. A wise-cracker, he can be counted on to crack a joke or poke fun at the situations he encounteres. He can become very excited if something new and interesting presents itself. At the same time, he is also a competent infiltrator. Putting his annoying personality to good use, he often uses himself as a distraction for the enemy so his gang can carry out their task without complication. He is very street-smart. If you can put up with his antics, it would be a good idea to stick close to him when exploring some of the more disreputable settlements of the Trench. Though Roman's schemes were often frustrated or thwarted by Q Aves and Lokke Westwood, he never grew to resent them or hold a grudge, instead seeming to remember those adventures fondly and growing a liking for the two generally. Roman surprisingly does not partake in drug use. Though this sobriety isn't caused by a moral objection and rather stems from his body's natural resistance to toxins.

Vices & Personality flaws

"Well, there I go. I've gotten carried away and alienated everyone again."  

Often labeled a maniacal psychopath, Roman is frequently childish, showing an affinity for character role-playing and pranks, as well as being quite unhinged, hyperactive, petty, spiteful, deceitful, and cruel. He's flamboyant, loud, and loves being the center of attention. Erratic, most of his actions are guided by his own self-interests or what he thinks will be funny, which tends to land him in trouble. Roman's fun side is actually the morbid enjoyment to torment and just about kill with his pranks. It has been shown that he's reckless if not outright willing to harm people and often views other sapeint beings as food to eat. Roman has a childish style of psychopathy that suggests that he does not fully appreciate the severity of the physical pain he inflicts on others. He's lecherous, shouts at random, has no sense of personal space, and frequently taunts both friends and foes alike. He will go out of his way just to be annoying, often purposefully instigating gang fights so that he can feed upon the dead afterward.

A scoundrel, Roman is not afraid to stab someone in the back, both metaphorically and literally. Having turned many allies into enemies if it meant he could weasel his way out of trouble. In line with this, as often as Roman helps Q Aves and Lokke Eastwood, however, he also tricks them to serve his own purposes. He also enjoys grossing them out with his morbid habits and humor.

Personality Quirks

His mother frequently refers to him as her "little tsuchigumo." While his mother uses the term as an affectionate and endearing nickname and Roman views it as such, it historically is used as an archaic insult in Japanese. If anyone other than Jorogumo calls him that, he will react violently.

He immensely likes it when his scalp and the spot where his spider legs meet his back are scratched. Something that Q Aves has compared to a dog getting its belly rubbed.

Because of his habit of wandering, there are many nights when he cannot make it home in time to sleep in his own bed, so he'll find the highest point he can, create a hammock out of his webs, and call it a night.


Family Ties

Roman is a deeply loyal son who adores his mother, Jorogumo, and the only one whom he doesn't want to be in trouble with. As Jorogumo raised Roman practically by herself, the two are very close to each other. He views his relationship with her as similar to that of a best friend, while still respecting her parental authority (Most of the time). His closeness to his mother allows him to freely speak his mind around her, exchange jokes, and openly come to her for advice or support as both confide in each other. Jorogumo is always happy to listen to her son's problems, and sometimes even tries to help him come up with a solution if the problem is dire enough. Even from a young age, Jorogumo nurtured a sense of independence in Roman. So, aside from those rare instances, Jorogumo often leaves it to Roman to fix the messes he creates himself. He can't be dependent on her forever.   He holds high regard for his great-grandfather, Shuten Doji. Finding the Oni King's early life as a bandit king a source of inspiration.   Ouside of those execptions, Roman holds a distaste for the rest of his family, not just because of their cruel treatment of his mother, but also because they didn't even give him a chance before he was even born. In a rare display of genuine affection for anyone other than his mother, Roman has a fondness for the Yoruba spider god, Anansi, and the Lakota spider god, Iktomi. Calling both of them his "uncles" and attributes the former as the cause for his love of retelling humorous stories. He is also protective of his bodyguard, Pete. Who he views as a brother.

Social Aptitude

Q Aves once said that Roman; "has the social graces of a howler monkey on meth driving a flaming eighteen-wheeler into oncoming traffic." A statement that isn't all that untrue. Roman is an extrodinarily loud, chaotic and hyperactive yokai widely renowned for being a wild party animal. A habitual joker, Roman is never short of a clever wisecrack, even in the midst of conflict, and oftentimes serves to lighten the spirits of his teammates. Roman is very social and popular at parties with the more unsavory characters of the Trench. Though he isn't always a pleasant person to have around, as he constantly invades people's personal space, does disgusting things like eating people in public, makes rather rude gestures, and has an inability to shut his mouth. Commonly asking annoying, intrustive, personal questions all the time and saying strange things, which sometimes makes those around him find him questionable. Roman does have friends, and while he cares about them, and will sometimes show signs of wanting to reach out through his humor.


When Roman talks, he moves about in a very animated fashion and likes to inflect his voice. Roman has a habit of making names on the go and maintaining his appearance no matter how severe the weather can be

Hobbies & Pets

Roman has a proclivity for stringed instruments, specifically the electric guitar. He is a fan of glam rock and synth-wave music. A bit of a pop culture sponge, he enjoys watching movies with his mother. He is a big fan of the Devil May Cry video game franchise and can often be heard singing songs from the series, albeit very poorly. He has a pet frog named Tetsukabura -named after the enemy from the Monster Hunter franchise. As well as an oversized pet jumping-spider named Boris-chan.



Mother (Vital)

Towards Roman




Son (Vital)

Towards Jorogumo




At the time of his birth, it was common for Japanese noblewomen to delegate the raising of their children to servants or outright kill an unwanted baby at birth. Jorogumo defied convention and actively raised her son with love by herself. Jorogumo wanted Roman to directly experience the world from a young age. When Roman was still a baby, Jorogumo often carried him with her when attending Shuten Doji's court. When the mood struck her, Jorogumo would take Roman with her hunting for human prey, holding him in a silken bundle and pretending to be a woman and child in distress. When a human male came to assist, she would kill him. Once Roman reached the yokai equivalent age of a toddler, Jorogumo would sometimes incapacitate her victim and bring them home. Teaching Roman how to use his venom and to administer the killing blow.

Shortly after the fall of Shuten Doji in 995 AD, Roman was severely wounded by the samurai, Minamoto no Raikou. The very same man who had just defeated the oni king. At the yokai equivalent age of six years old, Roman was only starting to develop his powers. While playing in the woods, he stumbled upon Raikou and his retainers. Though they were riding back to Kyoto with news of their victory, Raikou was recovering from a sudden case of malaria and was bedridden in a roadside home. Roman had no clue who these people were or that they were of great importance, he just saw an opportunity to cause some harmless mischief. Ever the precocious child, he decided to test his newfound ability to create illusions. Using his powers, he made himself appear as though he was a young human medicine boy and entered the room Raikou was infirmed in. Predictably, Raikou saw through the faulty illusion and slashed at the spider yokai with his sword. The blade cut deep into Roman’s stomach. Although severely wounded, Roman managed to escape before Raikou could fully rouse himself. Bleeding profusely and crying in pain, Roman dragged himself to the cave where he and his mother had been taking shelter following the Iron Fortress' fall. Jorogumo was shocked by the state of her child’s wounds. Not yet the powerful sorceress she is today, she was unable to heal her son’s wounds by herself. Distraught, she began weeping over her precious son. Noises coming from outside the cave soon alerted her that the samurai had arrived following the blood trail Roman left behind. Enraged, Jorogumo wanted to slaughter the samurai for daring to touch her child. But her maternal rage was tempered by fear for his life once she heard one of them invoke the name of Amaterasu, the sun goddess. Using her powerful illusion magic, Jorogumo turned Roman and herself invisible and made it appear to the samurai that the cave’s only occupant was a giant, wounded, spider-like monster. Once the samurai “slew” the false beast after a convincing battle, Jorogumo traveled with her son to the outskirts of Kyoto to find her recently widowed grandmother, the oni queen Ibaraki-Doji. Who was hiding with some of the oni and yokai who remained loyal to her. Together they used their magic to heal Roman's grievous wound, saving his life. After the wave of relief that her child would live dissipated, the normally patient and calculating Jorogumo became livid. With uncharacteristic bloodlust and fury, she called Raikou’s head. Not for killing her grandfather, Shuten-Doji, but because of his attempt to murder her only child. Ibaraki-Doji, having lost some of her own children alongside her husband in the Battle of the Iron Fortress, assured her favorite granddaughter that Raikou would soon die for his transgressions in good time. What was best for now, was that Jorogumo take her son and raise him in safety far away from the politics of the yokai. As the new power vacuum created by the oni's king's death would be dangerous for both her and her son.

With nothing but the clothes on her back and little Roman sleeping soundly atop her abdomen, Jorogumo's eight legs carried her far across Japan to Izu City. Taking up residence in the Joren Falls and becoming its goddess. What happened in the many centuries between then and the present, who can say? Sly Jorogumo can't be talked into revealing its entirety and it would be foolish to put trust in the words of the silver-tongued Roman. Perhaps it's best to let the spiders keep their secrets.

Nicknames & Petnames

Jorogumo often refers to her son as her "little tsuchigumo" (A name that translates to mean "earth spider" or "dirt spider") because she gave birth to him inside a cave while waiting out a thunderstorm. (Although she likes to cite a much different and more embarrassing story as the reason, much to Roman's chagrin.) While she uses the term as an affectionate and endearing nickname that Roman views as such, it historically has been used as an archaic insult in Japanese. If anyone other than Jorogumo calls him that, Roman will react violently.


Roman refers to Jorogumo exclusively as "Mama." Or "Mama-Sama" if he is trying to butter her up or knows he's about to be in big trouble. (This usually does not work out for him.)

Relationship Reasoning

As vile and horrible as they both are, their relationship as mother and son is oddly wholesome. Jorogumo and Roman are the only people in the world that the other completely trusts and speaks honestly with. As Jorogumo raised Roman alone, they are very close to each other. Their relationship is similar to that of best friends, while Jorogumo still maintains her role of parental authority as Roman's mother that he must respect and abide by. Though, unlike all other beings under her power, Jorogumo does not see her son as a tool with which to exercise her agenda. In fact, Jorogumo is a very supportive and nurturing mother with a keen interest in her son's life and allows him a great deal of independence. Like any good mother, she worries about his well-being constantly and pushes him to reach his full potential. She often asks Roman if there's anything weighing on his mind, and confides in him. She is always happy to listen to her son's problems, and sometimes even tries to help him come up with a solution if the problem is dire enough. Aside from those instances, she often leaves it to Roman to fix the messes he creates himself. She may dote over her son, but she does not spoil him.


Roman is a deeply loyal son who adores his mother. While he operates with a great deal of freedom when compared to Jorogumo's other minions, he still comes to her aid when called. Though this comes from genuine filial love rather than submissiveness. Roman is one of the few beings in the world who can completely read his mother's mood based on her body language and immediately knows when something is troubling her.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

"He definetly takes after his mother when she was his age." - Rokurokubi speaking on her nephew's behavior

Although in a different flavor, it is still quite obvious who Roman got his sadism and morbid sense of humor from. Both share similar fashion sense and tastes in food. They enjoy watching movies and playing games together. It was from Roman's love of foreign music from the 1980s that Jorogumo was introduced to the band ABBA. Which quickly became one of her favorite musical groups of all time. To the point where she buys tickets to their concerts every time a tour brings the band to Japan. She admitted to Roman that the band, along with some of his own favorite artists, are the only humans she would never eat even if given a prime opportunity.

Jorogumo and Roman consider each other fierce rivals at the game of go. With a score counter that tallies back at least four centuries. So far, it's a fairly even score.

Roman enjoys regaling his mother with (greatly exaggerated) tales of his recent misadventures. While mostly unreliable, Jorogumo does learn about what is happening in places beyond her reach and gives them her undivided attention. Plus, they're amusing to listen to and tell her a great deal about what is going on in her boy's life. Whether he outright states it or not. Call it mother's intuition. She's deduced that her son holds that Icarus girl and human boy he's been traveling with in higher regard than he's willing to admit.


When the situation arises in public, Jorogumo will often go along with whatever scheme or prank Roman has planned. She finds them amusing and loves seeing the end result. As with his wild stories, Roman just likes making his mom smile and laugh. When together, Jorogumo has a habit of affectionately scratching and running her fingers through Roman's hair or at the spot where his spider legs meet his back while she's thinking about something or speaking with someone else. Roman this enjoys greatly.

Roman's habit of forming gangs from local misfits and outcasts he's befriended, reminds Jorogumo of herself when she was just starting her enterprises on her own. She tolerates these friends of her son's entering her home and her shop so long as they are polite and respectful of her when she is busy. Then maybe, just maybe, she won't decide to have them for dinner. In typical mom fashion, she will carelessly (very much intentionally) reveal to Roman's fellow gang members and friends embarrassing stories about him when he was little. Like how he hated taking baths as a kid and ran around their home completely naked and covered in mud and that's why she calls him her tsuchigumo. Or how he got in so much trouble the one time for pelting his great uncle with rotten persimmons. Or the many afternoons she spent sitting on the terrace walkway of her house. Smiling as she watched little Roman and his childhood best friend dueling with stick swords and taking themselves a little too seriously. Their "duels" always devolved into bickering about who won that eventually turned into roughhousing in the dirt under the backdrop of the setting sun. Roman doesn't find these stories nearly as funny as his mother does but secretly enjoys the little nostalgia trip. (And he totally won those stick fights, by the way.)

Speaking of a little Roman, when he was still at that young age, Jorogumo used to tell him all about her own gangs and their adventures as bedtime stories. If in a particularly somber mood, Jorogumo will tell Roman, with a heavy heart, that he would've called many of those old colleagues, whom he had only known as a little baby, of her's as "Auntie" and "Uncle" if they were still living today.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Tsuchigumo, The Eight-Legged Bastard, The Maniac, The Man, The Roman, Baller, Lil' Pimp, Lil' Baller, The One, The Main Man, Spectacular Spider-Pimp, Legend, Eight-Legged Freak, How Did You Get In Here, Stop Talking, Please Leave Me Alone, For the Love of God Shut Up!
1,225 (human equivalent age of 18)
Circumstances of Birth
Unwanted by all except his mother
Raven Black
165.1 cm (5ft' 5 in)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The haters don't want you to know this, but you can get away with anything by eating the evidence."   "Mental illness or esoteric knowledge? You decide."   "I'm already out of ammo, Shawty! You think I didn't use it all in the first ten seconds? Wooooooo!"   "And that is why I am no longer legally allowed to set foot in Albania."  
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Japanese(native), Mandarin, Dutch, French (Rudimentary), English, Pete-Speak, Spanish (Currently Learning)

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