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The Trench

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Throughout history, man has told tales of beings and powers higher than himself that inhabited the world with him. Of magic, monsters, and otherworldly beings, and gods.

As history progressed, humans forgot about all the fantastic beings that shared this world with them. Cast them aside as superstitions and children’s stories born of ignorant minds to make sense with the world around them.

Man was wrong.

The gods and monsters are very real and very dangerous. It was the job of a group called the Organization to make sure these beings stayed in the dark. Through the modern age, they’d tracked down and captured almost every being, animal, monster, or object from across the globe that stepped outside of human’s understanding of what is supposed to be normal. Whether it had an mundane explanation or was indeed truly possessed of magical properties. Regardless of whether they wanted to help humanity or harm it. The Organization built a massive super structure in the Greenland Sea that stretched from the surface of the waves to the darkest depths of the ocean floor. The Trench. A impenetrable fortress of prison where they could hold and study the supernatural. Hidden far away from the eyes and minds of humanity at large.

But then something happened. A catastrophic failure caused the security systems to fail. The monsters rose up and struck down their jailers.

Now, two years later, the monsters are the ones in power. Having developed their own societies and ways of life within the dark bowels of the country-sized Trench that have emerged since their revolution. But they are still not free. The Trench’s final failsafes make true escape from the facility impossible. Now the monsters squabble amongst themselves. Driven by glory, power, greed, or the pure drive for survival. All the while, with no one to maintain it, the Trench, finally cut from all ties to the outside world, is slowly starting to fall apart.

For anyone to enter this abandoned realm of monsters, would almost certainly have to be mad.