The Upper Levels Geographic Location in The Trench | World Anvil
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The Upper Levels

A haven for those who value the finer things, the Upper Levels are dominated by entertainment and the business dealings of wealthy individuals in charge of powerful factions. There are many shops that provide high-end services like tailoring suits and fine dining. But many of these are just fronts for the criminal dealings of the Upper-Level's occupants. From arms trafficking to racketeering the head of every criminal enterprise can be found here.


Built as the residential area for high-ranking Organization officials and their families stationed on the Trench, the Upper-Levels are rather lavish when compared to the rest of the Trench. The halls feature lush, purple-red carpeting/wallpaper, decent furniture and flooring, and a clean interior. The decay that characterizes the Lower levels is absent.


The monsters who inhabit the Upper-Levels are quite flamboyant figures. Wealthy and aristocratic, they enjoy lavish lifestyles compared to their downtrodden brethren below. They don't care though. Why should they? By the standards of the Trench, the Upper-Levels is a veritable utopia. Powerful businessmen, heads of state, and supernatural celebrities can be found rubbing shoulders in one non-stop display of decadence. Rather than split up into savage raider tribes like their cousins that live in the desolate Lower-Levels, the monsters here are organized into something more akin to that of mafia families. Each one vying for control of the most territory in which they could conduct their business. Many of whom have grand plans for the Trench. A lot of the Lower-Levels' inhabitants think that Upper-Levelers have gone soft from living in such swanky accommodations. But any envious faction from the Lower-Levels that tries to barge its way into the Upper-Levels will find out real quick just how cut-throat these businessmen can be. Visitors will need to put on their finest attire because the people of Upper-Levels prefer the company of only those with marvelous fashion sense, as well as good tastes.

Natural Resources

A haven for those who value the finer things, the Upper Levels commerce is dominated by entertainment and the business dealings of powerful factions. There are many shops that provide high-end services like tailoring suits and fine dining. But many of these are just fronts for the criminal dealings of the Upper-Level's occupants. From arms trafficking to racketeering the head of every criminal enterprise can be found here.


Built as the residential area for high-ranking Organization officials and their families stationed on the Trench, ensuring that they could enjoy their time stationed on the Trench in luxury away from all the nastiness that was happening beneath them. Because it was located so high up on the Trench's megastructure, it didn't even have nearly the same level of security as the Lower-Levels where they kept all those monsters, abominations, and their own dirty little secrets. Why would they need them? There was no way any of those inmates could escape long enough to reach this high. This lofty position didn't save those same shot-callers when the Breakout happened. Like many men who think too highly of themselves, it was their hubris that doomed them. In the end, the personnel in the Upper-Levels were hopelessly outmatched against the tide of monsters that rose from beneath them and they had righteous fury on their side. The Upper-Levels emerged from the chaos during and after the Breakout relatively unscathed. At first, it wasn't any different from the Lower Levels as monsters formed tribal groups. Prowling the halls for resources. That didn't last very long though. See, a lot of powerful people had big ambitions for their future inside the Trench and they preferred to do so sitting in the lap of luxury. They also had the manpower to back them up. When these syndicates showed up, the first thing they did was set about taming the tribals. Offering an ultimatum to the raider tribes settled in the Upper-Levels: join them and be part of their syndicates, leave the Upper-Levels, or die. In no time at all, these groups managed to turn the Upper-Levels into a beacon of civilization and splendor from which they could enjoy their seats of power.


The Maw is a popular bar in the lower area of the Upper Levels. It is considered important not just as a popular hub for the Upper Levels nightlife, but also as one thing these mob families could agree on was that the Maw was some sort of neutral zone. In which deals between the families were to be made, and no fighting was allowed. In the center of the Upper-Levels is Le Maison De Le Arginine. The former residence of the Trench's warden. This luxurious four-story mansion built within a domed chamber with a lawn of bioluminescent grass would make an ideal home for anyone looking to call the Trench their own. But it appears that even among the supernatural, the place is considered haunted. None who enter have left. There are rumors that many-legged shadows have been spotted in the windows. The head of the Bondsmen's Guild can be found here as well.
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