The Maw Building / Landmark in The Trench | World Anvil
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The Maw

Purpose / Function

The Maw is a popular bar in the lower area of the Upper Levels. It is considered important not just as a popular hub for the Upper Levels nightlife, but also as one thing the mob families can agree on is that the Maw is a neutral zone. In which deals between the families were to be made, and no fighting was allowed.


The Maw houses a bar area with a maximum occupancy of 102 patrons, and had twelve drinks available on tap, with the size of a standard drink being 16 ounces. The Maw maintained a secret drinks list that patrons could ask for. The bar is 20 feet long and made of Italian Maple wood with a series of warm hanging lights above its length. To the right of the bar is a small stage on which jazz bands perform with a small dance floor in front of it. The stage leads back to a small room for where the band can prepare. Guests gather in the orange leather booths in alcoves lining the walls. Across the bar are five gambling tables that provide a number of card games like poker and blackjack. To the right of the bar is a large aquarium built into the wall that cast a light blue glow. Inside which is a Siren who was initially stored there for the human officer's curiousity.

Sensory & Appearance

The Maw is lit by blue neon lights that line the ceiling junctions. The air is thick with the smell of alcohol, lit cigars, and cheap perfume all mixed in one conglomerate, olfactory abomination that permeates the entire Maw.


It is a popular and busy location for both the higher echelons of Trench society and those engaged in more sinister activities to drink the night away and is frequented by a powerful political clientele for whom Marcus has mediated connections. These elite patrons dress to the nines while frivolously wagering with their disposable incomes.


One of the first additions Marcus added when the Maw came under his possession was to install a folding screen into the siren's tank so that she may have some privacy. He also added a hidden gun cabinet underneath the floorboards of the bar in case the peace ever broke down.




The Maw was built as a bar for the high-ranking officers of the Organization stationed on the Trench to relax and unwind. After the Breakout, it came under the ownership of Marcus. Who had first intended the Maw to remain a small and stylish establishment that catered to high-class individuals. But soon expanded to accompany other gaming trends and had become a frequent meeting a place of the Upper Levels criminal networks.
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