Kwaiden Organization in The Trench | World Anvil
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Comprised mostly of yokai, the Kwaiden is a large intelligence network and crime organization operating in the shadows of the Trench's criminal underworld. Overtly, the organization is merely an information brokering network. In reality, the orperations of the Kwaiden are far broader than simple intelligence gathering. Influencing the supernatural criminal underworld through subtle business ventures, subterfuge, deception and manipulation, many lesser cartels do not realize that they are vassals of the Kwaiden.


Like the human-run Yakuza, the Kwaiden adopted the traditional Japanese hierarchical structure of oyabun-kobun. Where Kwaiden groups are headed by an oyabun or kumichō (family head) who gives orders to his subordinates, the kobun. In this respect, the organization is a variation of the traditional Japanese senpai-kōhai (senior-junior) model. Members of the Kwaiden gangs cut their family ties and transfer their loyalty to the gang boss. They refer to each other as family members—fathers and elder and younger brothers. The Kwaiden has a complex organizational structure. There is an overall boss of the syndicate, the kumicho. The current kumicho of the Kwaiden is the oni, Ushi no Tou, and directly beneath him are the saiko komon (senior advisor) and so-honbucho (headquarters chief). The second in the chain of command is the wakagashira, who governs several gangs in a region with the help of a fuku-honbucho who is himself responsible for several gangs. The regional gangs themselves are governed by their local boss, the shateigashira. The regional gangs are responsible for individual information gathering and arranging small business dealings with outside groups while the shateigashira is the one who will finalize them once approved by the fukuu-honbucho.   However, just as the Kwaiden controls the criminal underworld with puppet strings, so too is the kumicho, Ushi no Tou, just a puppet for the Kwaiden's true leader. In secret, the Kwaiden is controlled by Jorogumo. Posing a middle-ranked broker in the network, Jorogumo influences her subordinates through subtle maneuvers, insinuations, and her magic. Never revealing her true identity and power over the syndicate directly as she values discretion in her business dealings. She feels that publicly announcing herself as the Kwaiden's true leader would be disadvantageous.


The Kwaiden are known for their strict codes of conduct, their organized fiefdom nature, and several unconventional ritual practices. To the few who are aware of its existence, Kwaiden is regarded as being among "the most sophisticated and wealthiest" of criminal organizations.

Public Agenda

As a syndicate, the Kwaiden is focused on running the Supernatural black market, which they control in secret. Following a business philosophy that puts an end to old imperial ways by eschewing military conquest in favor of indirect control over organizations through commerce and subtle business ventures. Operating from the shadows, they are known for rigging legislation in their favor, controlling ports and other trade centers, and silently becoming the backbone of entire economies. All while remaining under the radar.


Despite it's small size, the Kwaiden has grown very rich through smuggling and a myriad of other illegal businesses across the entirety of the Trench.   Its information networks rival even the accuracy and scope of human government Intelligence agencies.


Kwaiden typically manipulates lesser crime syndicates into doing its dirty work for it. Though it lacks a standing military, all of Kwaiken’s members are trained spies and it does have a group of covert assassins for when direct action is needed.

Foreign Relations

Kwaiden holds a massive amount of reach and influence, extending its tendrils of corruption deep in the various governments of the Trench. The Kwaiden influences much of the criminal underworld in the Trench through its network of members and spies covertly manipulating other syndicates. Many lesser gangs do not even realize that they are Kwaiden's puppets. Kwaiden frequently engages in a unique form of Japanese extortion known as sōkaiya. In essence, this is a specialized form of protection racket. Instead of harassing small businesses, the Kwaiden harasses a stockholders' meeting of a larger corporation. They simply scare the ordinary stockholder with the presence of Kwaiden operatives, who obtain the right to attend the meeting by making a small purchase of stock.   Despite their pariah status, some of their actions may be perceived to have positive effects on society. For example, they stop other criminal organizations from acting in their areas of operation.


Though not an offical law, the use of drugs are specifically forbidden to Kwaiden members.

Trade & Transport

It has involvements in piracy and smuggling. But smuggling is just the tip of the iceberg. It is involved in every known type of illegal activity.
Illicit, Syndicate
Training Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Notable Members
Related Species

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