Darcy Lewis Character in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Darcy Lewis

Darcy Lewis

Darcy Lewis is a former student of political science at Culver University who became an intern for Eric Selvig and Jane Foster's assistant.

While working with the scientists, Lewis came into contact with Asgard when Thor arrived on Earth.

Lewis and Foster became focused on understanding the Bifrost and when Thor returned to Earth, Lewis assisted him in his war against Malekith the Accursed and the Dark Elves.

Due to this, Lewis became one of only a handful of Humans ever to step foot on Asgard when she was invited to attend the coronation of All-Mother Frigga.

Returning to school, Lewis changed her major to astrophysics, and has remained at school for post-graduate studies.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

She always carries a Taser.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

While studying for a degree in political science at Culver University, Lewis took a position as an intern for Eric Selvig, assisting him and Jane Foster on Jane's research into Einstein-Rosen bridges.

While tracking atmospheric disturbances in the desert outside Puente Antiguo, they encountered the newly exiled Thor when Jane Foster ran him over with her van. When he appeared to be violent. Lewis tazed him unconcious, before they took him to the hospital.

The following day, Lewis noticed the figure of a man in one of the photographs she took of the atmospheric disturbance. Foster suggested that the newcomer might be able to shed some light on the event.

When they returned to their lab, they discovered S.H.I.E.L.D. agents confiscating their equipment and research. Phil Coulson told Foster they needed to take all of her possessions, and attempted to compensate her. As the agents took away their research, Lewis and the two scientists sat on the roof of the building, commiserating with one another.

When another anaomly formed out in the desert, they went outside to look at it and Thor realized that it was the Destroyer, which had been sent bu Loki. , Although Thor tried to warn the Humans away, they stayed to help and Lewis watched as Thor, Iron Man, Sif, and the Warriors Three battled the Destroyer.

After Thor returned to Asgard, Lewis tried to help Foster find a way to bring him back to Earth. They built a device to open a wormhole, but it failed. Lewis told Foster to wait, since Thor promised to return. However, after a year passed with no message, Lewis began to doubt that Thor would return.

When Loki attacked the Earth, S.H.I.E.L.D. contacted Foster and sent her and Lewis to an Astrophysics Lab in Tromsø, Norway. However on arival, they found nobody in the lab had any idea why the were there. Lewis hacked into the computer and found live footage of Thor in the Battle of New York, and she and Foster watched the fight.

Later, having heard from Selvig that Thor had left Earth, Lewis comforted her friend, telling her that Thor would return again, but Foster disagreed and gave up on waiting for him.

The following year, Lewis and Foster were called to London by Selvig, who had been there for several weeks researching a new series of anomalies. Due to Tony Stark's insistence that Foster was in danger, S.H.I.E.L.D. insisted on their being accompanied by Junior-Agent Roz Solomon.

Arriving in London, they found Selvig missing and took up residence in his flat to wait for him. During this time, Lewis hired Ian Boothby as her own intern. After several days without word from Selvig, Lewis discovered that Selvig's scientific equipment was detecting something. The pair, accompanied by Solomon and Boothby, followed the signals to an abandoned tower block where the laws of physics were going haywire and portals had opened. While the others were distracted, Foster disappeared.

Unable to locate Foster, Lewis called the Metropolitan Police, only for Foster to reappear as suddenly as she vanished. When the police tried to arrest the group for trespass, Thor appeared, having been alerted by Heimdall to Foster's disappearance. When one of the officers tried to arrest Foster, her body unleashed a mysterious energy that forced everyone away from her. Before the police could react, Thor left with Foster and Solomon via the Bifrost, leaving a stupefied Lewis behind.

In Foster's absence, Lewis was left to try to locate Selvig and to make sense of the situation. After failing to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. for assistance, Lewis saw a newscast of Selvig being arrested for indecent exposure at Stonehenge, and together she and Boothby traced him to a local dementia care unit. After breaking him out, and being mobbed by birds affected by dimensional portals, Lewis, Boothby, and Selvig returned to Selvig's apartment and reviewed his records of the strange anomalies, which were revealed to be echoes of the Convergence.

Foster and Thor eventually returned, via a portal on Svartalfheim. Foster revealed that Malekith was planning to use the Aether to obliterate the Nine Realms during the Convergence.

Together, the group confronted Malekith in Greenwich. While Thor fought him one on one, Lewis and her friends dealt with his minions using teleportation devices created by Selvig. Lewis and Boothby were separated from the others and were nearly killed by a platoon of Dark Elf soldiers. Fortunately, a Frost Beast was teleported to their exact location and killed the Dark Elves, inadvertently saving the pair. However, they were teleported away accidentally by Foster, and attacked by two Dark Elves. Boothby saved Lewis from their assailants by picking up a floating car and slamming it onto the elves, crushing them. In gratitude, Lewis passionately kissed him. Lewis and Boothby rejoined Selving (now accompanied by Roz Solomon, Sif and the Warriors Three) to see Foster and Thor nearly crushed by an Ark. Fortunately, Selvig used the device to teleport it to Svartalfheim, where it crushed Malekith to death. Relieved her friends were alright, an overjoyed Lewis kissed Boothby more passionately.

A few days later, the four, along with Roz Solomon, were invited to Asgard to witness the coronation of All-Mother Frigga. Lewis attempted to live-stream the ceremony, but had her phone confiscated by the Einherjar.

As the result of her experiences, when Lewis returned to Culver University she changed her major from political science to astrophysics, and remained at school to persue post-graduate studies.


She is currently persuing doctoral studies in Astrophysics at University of Culver.


She was previously employed as an intern by Eric Selvig.