Anton Vanko Memorial Scholarship Programme Organization in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Anton Vanko Memorial Scholarship Programme

A mentorship and scholarship programme run by Tony Stark, named in memory of the co-creator of the first Arc Reactor, Anton Vanko.

Applicants to the programme must be studying at grade 11, and be able to regularly travel to one of the two technology centres the programme opperates in New York City or Los Angeles. Places are limited to ten in each location, although fewer students may be accepted if there are less than 10 students who pass the entrance test.

Accepted students are given seminars in a variety of engineering fields, regular tutoring and support by Stark or other accomplished engineers, and access to state of the art materials and equipment free of charge. Over the course of two years, students must design and create a final project, which is then graded by Stark. Those who's final projects pass are given scholarships to the technology or engineering course of their choice at any mainland U.S. College.

The programme is considered highly prestigious, and graduates are highly sought after by colleges and employers.

Although there is no guarenteed employment offered as part of the programme, in practise graduates have been highly successful in securing jobs with Stark Industries or Avengers Idea Mechanics.

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