Traveler Bee Species in The Thirteen Realms | World Anvil

Traveler Bee

A species of bee found in the Demon Realm.

Basic Information


Traveler's bees are six-legged insects with round, fuzzy bodies. They have a rainbow-banded coloration.

Biological Traits

Queen bees are typically larger than drones, with fuzzy antennae rather than smooth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Traveler bees reproduce via egg-laying by a queen within a colony. It takes one to two weeks for eggs to hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Larvae - 15 days
  • Pupae - 30 days
  • Adult

Ecology and Habitats

Traveler bees form small colonies, often in the abandoned dens of Ringed Grassleapers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Traveler bees eat plant nectar; the are plants able to distinguish these important pollinators and allow them access to their flowers. Extra food produced by workers is stored back in the colony.

Biological Cycle

During the rainy season, traveler bees seal their colonies and go into a state of statis.


Due to the protection they receive from plants and their coloring, traveler bees are one of the few relatively docile species found in the Demon Realm. They do have the capability to sting, which produces a toxin that causes disorientation and confusion. This is usually only employed when a threat gets too close to the colony and causes the target to wander away and usually into the path of nearby hostile plant life.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Traveler bees form polygynous colonies of multipole queens, though each queen marks out a territory of her own within the colony. This is to ensure the colony's survival even should one queen be killed.    The queens spend most of their time laying eggs and caring for larvae, which grow into workers or new queens depending on the amount of royal jelly they are fed by the queen.


One of the first animals domesticated by demons for their ability to be trained to guide travelers safely. This was taught to demonkind by Porscil, the God of Travelers, whom they are considered a symbol of. While river travel is currently the most popular route in peaceful current times, traveler bees were indispensable when this was not an established form of travel. Kept by guides known as beekeepers, traveler bees could successfully steer inexperienced traveling parties clear of wild plant life - often harder to track than animals.    Domesticated traveler bees are known for being mischievous - particularly, they are known to steal small objects and sweet foods like fruit. They do not hide these items, but rather, ensure the owner sees they have them to give chase in a game of keep away. They are also known to hide in the bags of travelers to startle them, dancing in amusement when successful.    Domesticated bees have a longer lifespan of one century, and now serve more often as pets than guides. There are breeders who have managed to isolate single colors or different patterns than stripes as well.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Traveler bee wax is often used in candles, and their stinger toxin can be harvested for medicinal purposes.

Average Intelligence

Traveler bees are highly intelligent insects, able to be trained to understand simple commands and sequences.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Traveler's bees are able to smell pheromones and detect subtle changes in the air.
40 years
Average Height
Average Length
Average Physique
Traveler bees have round, stout bodies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
It is believed the rainbow-striped coloration of traveler bees is due to their habit of forming colonies in ringed grassleaper dens - a form of passive mimicry that keeps predators at bay.


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Jul 22, 2023 03:46 by Seraph Abell

I just know I'm going to die trying to pet something I shouldn't (joking)

Oh yeah, I *love* my characters.   *puts them through hell and back*   I really love them.
Aug 4, 2023 13:33 by Rori

I mean tbf this one you could pet, provided it's domesticated lol

Aug 4, 2023 14:27 by Seraph Abell


Oh yeah, I *love* my characters.   *puts them through hell and back*   I really love them.