Ringed Grassleapers

A demonic beast that roams the grasslands of the Demon Realm.

Basic Information


A large rodent with a long fur tufted tail and long ears. It has large, sharp front teeth and strong back legs for hopping/kicking.

Biological Traits

Males have short, sharp horns.

Genetics and Reproduction

Grassleapers reproduce sexually with a gestation period of one year

Growth Rate & Stages

Grassleapers reach sexual maturity in two years.

Ecology and Habitats

Grassleapers make large underground colonies within the demonic grasslands, made up of familial groups of one male to several females.

Dietary Needs and Habits

One of the few dedicated herbivores of the Demon Realm, eating mainly grass.

Additional Information


Domesticated grassleapers are used for meat supply - they have been carefully bred to no longer have poisonous fur. As such, they can also be pets.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The fur and hide of domesticated grassleapers has created a new market for stable leather and fur products. While the fur resists bleaching or dying, it's naturally bright hues are fairly popular on their own.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Grassleapers have an excellent sense of smell and acute hearing
60 years
Average Height
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Grassleapers get their name from their unique coat pattern of rainbow-hued rings of color - which indicate that they are poisonous.

Blurred Spoiler CSS by Stormbril
Tooltip and Breadcrumb CSS by Nnie


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