Petty King

The title associated with the noble ruler of a city in the Demon Realm other than the capital city of Ae°calikaslavven.


Usually a hereditary title, but the current holder can be challenged for their position in ritualized combat or be dismissed by the ruling Demon King. Neither is a common occurrence, with the exception of siblings competing against each other for the right to rule.    A current holder can also choose to pass the position on to a non-family member, though this is also rare.


Unlike the position of Ascended Demon King, there is no required process for Petty Kings.


A Petty King, despite not being a considered a true king, is still appointed through a coronation ceremony.


Petty Kings are expected to rule their castle and oversee the city attached to it, preferably by working with the city council rather than against it. They are responsible for the safety and welfare of those in their domain, particularly from larger threats.


  • Monitoring threats to public health and safety
  • Maintaining public works overseen by the castle, which vary by city
  • Managing economic matters such as taxes, imports and exports from other cities and realms, and the castle budget
  • Maintaining diplomatic ties with other cities or, if applicable, managing diplomatic ties with other realms
  • Overseeing the public works maintained by the city council, such as city infrastructure 
  • Maintaining the infrastructure of the area immediately surrounding the city, including the Feild Wall which surrounds the farms outside the city


The highest position after Demon King, regardless of the rank of the noble holding it. Position can lead to great wealth, but a greedy ruler that mismanages common wealth for personal benefit is likely to be overthrown.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Losing in ritual combat to a challenger or being deemed unfit to rule by the Ascended Demon King.


This rank rose to prominence after the position of Ascended Demon King and the United Demon Realm were well established. Those who had previously been considered kings prior to the Unification often continued to rule the cities they were established in, and as there was no competition, the position became more of a traditional hereditary noble one compared to the demon concept of king from the past (the one strong enough to keep their city).

Cultural Significance

Demon cities are best understood as city-states, due to the density of their populations, distances between them, and lack of significant settlements outside of them. While the Demon King rules the entire Realm, it would be impossible for one person to truly manage an entire realm on their own. Petty Kings are seen as the Ascended King's representatives, which is why local people may appeal to the King if they are unhappy with their Petty King's leadership but do not feel they could beat them in combat.
Nobility, Hereditary
Form of Address
Source of Authority
Right of Might
Reports directly to
Related Locations

Read Demon King's Gardener, the serial webnovel set in the world of the Thirteen Realms.

In Which a Demon King Does Not Have a Romantic Interest in His Human Gardener

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Tooltip and Breadcrumb CSS by Nnie


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