Ghost Realm Geographic Location in The Thirteen Realms | World Anvil

Ghost Realm

The Inner Ring world of the Supernal Realm, known for housing the spirits of the deceased.


The geography of the Ghost Realm is determined by the beliefs of the living - no matter what view they have of the afterlife, that afterlife exists in the Ghost Realm. The ghosts, however, are not limited to the afterlives they believed in in life - they are free to traverse the realm as they please. While the Ghost Realm's geography may shift over time, this is a process much slower than the shifting of the Divine Realm.


Ghosts have no need of food, however, the ecosystem of any region in the Ghost Realm is dependant on the beliefs of the living - just as the geography is.


As with all else, the climate of the Ghost Realm varies from afterlife to afterlife, matching the beliefs of the living.
Magical Realm
Characters in Location


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