Bloody Helm - Competition

A type of fungus native to the Demon Realm.   Bloody helms use the sweet smelling sap they produce to attract animals and insects to them - aiming to be partially eaten. Spores inside the fragment then combine with cells in the host's body, and these infected cells eventually find a home in the host's brain. Here, horncrest root structures begin to infiltrate the host brain - sending signals which cause the host to first grow lethargic - usually accompanied by piercings headaches as the mushroom bodies begin to form under the skull.   In the final stages of infection, the host grows frenzied - often lashing out at any other living thing as the bloody helm's mushrooms finally burst through the skull and out into the open. The fungus can then keep its host in a form of life for another month or two, before the continued root growth renders the host body immobile. In this time, the host is seen in a state of unnerving calm as it continues to wander in a fugue state until its final demise.   It is unknown how much cognizance remains of the host mind by this point - while it does have the capacity to infect demons, those that have suffered the infection are unable to speak once they have reached the final fugue state. However, it is believed that some higher thought process remains, as demons in this state are completely open to suggestion - able to complete any simple task given to them.   Careful distillation of the bloody helm sap can produce a frenzy-inducing tonic used often in the Fracted Realm Ages - however, repeated dosages increased the risk of full infection as it is nearly impossible to remove all spores from the mixture. Typically, the spore count is simply low enough that none survive long enough to infect the brain. Black helmsmen, named for their black demonic blood and the fungus, are as such often painted as a form of matyr for the people and places they aim to protect.
Read Demon King's Gardener, the serial webnovel set in the world of the Thirteen Realms.


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