The Shadow of the Rose Organization in The Third Imperium of Mankind. | World Anvil

The Shadow of the Rose

Introducing the Shadow of the Rose Corporation: Forging Security in Charted Space and beyond.   In the ever-expanding cosmos of Charted Space, where danger lurks around every corner and uncertainty hangs heavy in the void, there emerges a formidable entity known as the Shadow of the Rose Corporation. Born from the crucible of conflict and necessity, this upstart corporation embodies the ethos of vigilance and resilience amidst the cosmic chaos. Initially established as a humble security firm, the Shadow of the Rose Corporation quickly rose through the ranks, earning a reputation for its unwavering commitment to safeguarding the interests of its clients. From safeguarding trade convoys in the lawless reaches of the frontier to providing personal protection for esteemed dignitaries on the glittering worlds of the core, the corporation's skilled operatives have become synonymous with reliability and professionalism.   However, beneath the veneer of legitimacy lies a clandestine division that operates in the shadows, known only to a select few: the BTD (Black Thorn Division) These agents are hired corporate bounty hunters, mercenaries, and privateeers. Tasked with apprehending fugitives, tracking down elusive targets, and enforcing justice across the stars, these shadowy operatives embody the duality of the corporation's nature – protector by day, hunter by night. Led by a cadre of seasoned veterans and augmented by cutting-edge technology, the BTD division of the Shadow of the Rose Corporation operates with ruthless efficiency and precision. Whether it's hunting down interstellar pirates, apprehending corporate saboteurs, or tracking down elusive criminals with bounties on their heads, these operatives leave no stone unturned in their pursuit of justice. Yet, while the corporation's methods may be unorthodox, its commitment to upholding the law and maintaining order in Charted Space remains unwavering. With each successful mission and every elusive target brought to justice, the Shadow of the Rose Corporation solidifies its place as a formidable force in the interstellar landscape.   But amidst the darkness of space, where shadows conceal both friend and foe, the corporation must tread carefully, for there are those who would seek to exploit its power for their own nefarious ends. Rival security firms, underworld syndicates, and even rogue elements within its own ranks pose constant threats to the stability and integrity of the corporation. Yet, as the stars continue to beckon with promises of wealth and adventure, the Shadow of the Rose Corporation stands ready to confront whatever challenges may lie ahead. Forged in the crucible of conflict and tempered by the fires of adversity, it is a beacon of hope and justice in a universe where shadows lurk at every turn.


Understood. In that case, the Shadow of the Rose Corporation operates with a military-style chain of command within its organizational structure, emphasizing clear lines of authority, discipline, and hierarchical accountability. Here's how the structure Operates:   1. Commanding Officer/CEO: At the pinnacle of the organization stands the Commanding Officer or Chief Executive Officer (CEO), who holds ultimate authority and responsibility for the corporation's operations and decisions.   2. Executive Officers/Executive Board: Assisting the Commanding Officer are the Executive Officers, who form the Executive Board. These officers hold key leadership positions and oversee specific areas of operation, such as security, finance, operations, and intelligence.   3. Department Heads:
  • Security Division Commander: This officer leads the Security Division and is responsible for all security-related activities, including personnel deployment, asset protection, and risk assessment.
  • BTD Commander: Leading the BTD Operations Section, this officer oversees all BTD activities, including target acquisition, tracking, and apprehension.
  • Operations Officer: Responsible for planning and executing operational activities, the Operations Officer ensures mission success through strategic planning, resource allocation, and coordination.
  • Intelligence Director: This officer heads the Intelligence Department and is tasked with gathering, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence to support security and bounty hunting operations.
  • Support Services Commander: Leading the Support Services Department, this officer manages administrative functions, logistics, and support services essential for sustaining operational effectiveness.
4. Unit Leaders/Ship Captatins:
  • Security Unit Commanders: Each security unit is led by a ship captain or ground unit leader responsible for overseeing the unit's activities, enforcing discipline, and ensuring mission success.
  • BTD Leaders: BTD teams are led by experienced Ship captains, who direct operations, coordinate with intelligence, and lead their teams in the pursuit of targets.
  • Operations Team Leaders: Operations teams have designated Team Leaders responsible for executing mission objectives, maintaining communication, and ensuring the safety of personnal. 
  • Intelligence Analysts/Investigators: Intelligence teams are led by experienced analysts or investigators who manage intelligence gathering, analysis, and reporting activities.
  • Support Services Supervisors: Support service units have supervisors overseeing human resources, finance, IT, procurement, and administrative functions, ensuring efficient support to operational units
5. Personal:
  • Operatives: Frontline personnel within security, bounty hunting, operations, intelligence, and support units carry out their assigned duties under the guidance and direction of their respective commanders and team leaders.
  • Specialists: Specialized personnel, such as technicians, analysts, and field agents, provide expertise and support within their designated roles.
  • Interns: Within the Shadow of the Rose Corporation, interns are individuals who are engaged in temporary, usually unpaid, positions within the organization to gain practical work experience, explore career interests, and develop professional skills. Internships may vary in duration, from a few weeks to several months, and can be part-time or full-time, depending on the needs of the corporation and the availability of the intern.
Certainly, incorporating interns into the chain of command adds an educational and developmental dimension to the organizational structure. Here's how interns might fit into the military-style chain of command within the Shadow of the Rose Corporation:   1. The Commanding Officer/CEO: oversees the internship program and sets the overall direction and objectives for intern involvement within the organization.   2. Executive Officers/Executive Board: Executive Officers may assign interns to specific departments or projects under their purview, providing guidance and mentorship throughout the internship.   3.Department Heads:
  • Intern Coordinators: Each department designates an Intern Coordinator responsible for supervising and mentoring interns assigned to their department. They ensure interns receive appropriate training, guidance, and opportunities for skill development.
4. Unit Leaders/Team Commanders:
  • Intern Mentors: Within operational units, experienced personnel may serve as Intern Mentors, providing hands-on training, supervision, and guidance to interns assigned to their teams.
5. Personnel:
  • Interns: Interns are integrated into various departments, units, and teams within the organization, where they assist with tasks, projects, and initiatives under the supervision of their assigned mentors or supervisors.
This military-style chain of command within the Shadow of the Rose Corporation fosters discipline, coordination, and unity of purpose, enabling the organization to effectively execute missions, respond to threats, and achieve its strategic objectives in the challenging environment Charted Space. While interns do not hold formal positions within the chain of command, they play a valuable role in supporting operational activities, gaining practical experience, and contributing to the organization's mission. By integrating interns into the structure, the Shadow of the Rose Corporation fosters a culture of learning, professional development, and knowledge exchange, preparing future talent for potential roles within the organization or elsewhere in the industry.


An organization's culture encompasses its shared beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors, which collectively shape how its members perceive, interpret, and interact with the world around them. Here's how these elements contribute to defining the culture within the Shadow of the Rose Corporation:   1. Beliefs and Values: The Shadow of the Rose Corporation is built upon a foundation of core beliefs and values that guide its actions and decisions. These include principles such as integrity, professionalism, excellence, and commitment to justice. Believing in the importance of upholding these values, members of the organization strive to embody them in their work and interactions.   2. Customs and Traditions: Within the corporation, there may be established customs, traditions, and rituals that reinforce its identity and foster a sense of belonging among its members. These could include ceremonies to recognize achievements, annual events to commemorate milestones, or rituals that symbolize unity and camaraderie among teams.   3. Behavioral Norms: The culture of the Shadow of the Rose Corporation also encompasses behavioral norms and expectations that define how members are expected to conduct themselves in various situations. This may include professionalism in communication, respect for hierarchy and authority, adherence to ethical standards, and a commitment to teamwork and collaboration.   4. Communication Style: The way communication is conducted within the organization reflects its culture. Whether it's formal and structured communication channels for conveying important directives or informal exchanges that promote open dialogue and idea-sharing, the communication style within the Shadow of the Rose Corporation reflects its values and priorities.   5. Adaptability and Innovation: While the organization may operate within a military-style chain of command, its culture also values adaptability, agility, and innovation. Members are encouraged to think creatively, adapt to changing circumstances, and find innovative solutions to complex challenges, even within the framework of a hierarchical structure.   6. Professional Development and Mentorship: The culture of the Shadow of the Rose Corporation emphasizes continuous learning, professional development, and mentorship. Experienced members take on mentorship roles to guide and support interns and junior personnel, passing on knowledge, skills, and lessons learned from their own experiences.   Overall, the culture within the Shadow of the Rose Corporation is characterized by a strong sense of identity, shared purpose, and mutual respect among its members. It is a culture that values excellence, integrity, and collaboration, empowering its members to navigate the complexities of the interstellar environment with confidence and determination.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Shadow of the Rose Corporation serves as a manifesto of its goals, motivations, and commitments to the broader community within Charted Space. Here's an outline of their public agenda:   1. Security and Stability: The primary goal of the Shadow of the Rose Corporation is to promote security and stability across Charted Space. Whether it's safeguarding trade routes, protecting frontier colonies, or ensuring the safety of clients and citizens, the corporation is dedicated to upholding law and order in the face of myriad threats.   2. Justice and Accountability: Central to the corporation's mission is the pursuit of justice and accountability. The Shadow of the Rose Corporation pledges to hold individuals and organizations accountable for their actions, whether it's apprehending criminals, enforcing corporate regulations, or combating corruption within its own ranks.   3. Client Satisfaction and Trust: The corporation prioritizes client satisfaction and trust, vowing to deliver reliable, effective, and professional services to its clients. Whether they're corporations, governments, or private individuals, clients can count on the Shadow of the Rose Corporation to protect their interests and exceed their expectations.   4. Community Engagement and Support: Beyond its core operations, the corporation is committed to actively engaging with and supporting the communities it serves. This includes initiatives such as sponsoring charitable events, providing aid to disaster-stricken regions, and fostering cultural exchange and development across different sectors and subsectors of Charted Space.    5. Innovation and Adaptability: The Shadow of the Rose Corporation embraces innovation and adaptability as essential pillars of its approach to tackling the challenges of the interstellar environment. Whether it's investing in cutting-edge technology, developing new strategies, or fostering a culture of continuous improvement, the corporation remains at the forefront of progress and innovation.   6. Ethical Conduct and Integrity: Upholding ethical conduct and integrity is non-negotiable for the Shadow of the Rose Corporation. Members are expected to adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, honesty, and transparency in all their dealings, ensuring that the corporation's reputation remains untarnished and its moral compass unwavering.   7. Collaboration and Partnerships: Recognizing the value of collaboration and partnerships, the corporation seeks to forge alliances with like-minded organizations, governments, and entities to achieve common goals and address shared challenges. By pooling resources, expertise, and networks, the Shadow of the Rose Corporation aims to maximize its impact and effectiveness in the pursuit of its agenda.   In essence, the public agenda of the Shadow of the Rose Corporation serves as a beacon of its values, aspirations, and commitments to building a safer, more just, and prosperous future for all inhabitants of Charted Space.


The Shadow of the Rose Corporation boasts a formidable array of assets strategically positioned throughout Charted Space, representing its wealth, influence, and operational capabilities. Here's a breakdown of its assets:   1. Known Locations: The corporation maintains a network of 29 known locations strategically distributed across key sectors and subsectors of Charted Space. These locations include planetary bases, orbital stations, outposts, and forward operating posts strategically positioned to support security operations, intelligence gathering, and logistical activities.   2. Precious Metals: As a symbol of its financial strength and stability, the Shadow of the Rose Corporation holds significant reserves of precious metals, including silver and gold. These reserves serve as a valuable asset for investments, acquisitions, and financial transactions within the interstellar marketplace.   3. Buildings and Infrastructure: The corporation owns and operates a diverse portfolio of buildings and infrastructure assets, including headquarters complexes, training facilities, warehouses, and administrative offices. These facilities provide operational support, housing for personnel, and logistical infrastructure for mission planning and execution.   4. Troops and Personnel: The Shadow of the Rose Corporation commands a skilled and disciplined force of troops and personnel trained in security, combat, intelligence, and support roles. These personnel form the backbone of the corporation's operational capabilities, ensuring readiness, effectiveness, and adaptability in the face of diverse threats and challenges.   5. Equipment and Weapons: The corporation maintains an extensive arsenal of equipment and weapons to equip its personnel for a wide range of missions and scenarios. This includes firearms, melee weapons, armor, tactical gear, surveillance equipment, and specialized tools tailored to the needs of security, bounty hunting, and intelligence operations.   6. Ships and Vehicles: A fleet of starships and vehicles provides the Shadow of the Rose Corporation with the mobility and firepower necessary to project its influence across the vast expanse of Charted Space. From sleek patrol vessels and armored transports to versatile ground vehicles and drones, these assets enable the corporation to conduct operations in diverse environments and terrains.   In summary, the Shadow of the Rose Corporation's assets encompass a diverse array of resources and capabilities, ranging from tangible assets such as buildings, equipment, and vehicles to intangible assets such as skilled personnel and strategic alliances. Together, these assets underpin the corporation's strength, resilience, and ability to navigate the complexities of Charted Space while advancing its agenda and achieving its objectives.


Forday, 04 1100 3I: Several investers from various subsectors file a articles of Incorporation as a private closed corporation in the Sindel subsector of the Trojan Reach sector. The Corporate Head Quarters being located in Black Sand City. This is also filed in the sector capital's of the Trojan Reach, Spinward Marches, and Deneb.   Fiday, 104 1100 3I: The senior mangers of the Shadow of the Rose Corporation establish three other offices in the before mentioned sector capitals. Giving them a total of four offices. The intent is to establish a solid reputation with the Third Imperium.   Tuday, 227 1100 3I: Operatives from the Tobia subsector discover a plan to assassinate the Arch Duke of Tobia. Working with the Star Maines of the 204th Naval fleet are able to stop the plan with no Casulites.   Sixday, 322 1100 3I: The reputation of this new corporation increases as the the company completes its 50th mission with out a failure. This draws the attention of the Unified Security & Escort Services as well other security firms.   Senday, 365 1100 3I: the year ends with the corporation making a 5 percent net profit for the year.   Senday, 365 1101 3I: The year ends with the corporation making a 17 percent net profit for the year.   Senday, 029 1102 3I: The corporation opens up 8 new offices with four in the Imperium subsectors and four in the unprotected subsectors of the Reach. This gives the corporation 8 offices in three sectors of operation. This expansion once again draws the eyes of its competitors.   Wonday, 212 1102 3I. Shadow of the Rose Corporation buys and merges with a competitor adding six more offices for operational purposes as well as needed training faclites and a fleet of ships.   Senday, 365 1102 3I: The Shadow of the Rose Corporation once again turns a very good net profit margin of 18 percent, even with the merger and expansion. It also has 300 employees working for them now. The corporation also has a fleet of 17 ships.   Wonday, 001 1103 3I: As the reputation of the corporation increases in the the three sectors a new division is formed. This new security division along with the operations division opens new job oppertunites as well as new specialty employees for this type of mission. Now the company can provide secuity teams to nobels or excutives of corporations.   Thirday, 109 1103 3I: Shadow of the Rose Corporation earns if first militay contract in the Tobia Subsector escorting small trade caravans on the minor trade routes. This draws the attention of the Ingsoc Star jouranl. The reason is up untill this point, USES was the only security firm that the Navy had used.   Senday, 365 1103 3I: Shadow of the Rose Corporation once again has a 18 percent profit margin.    Wonday, 001 1104 3I: Shadow of the Rose Corporation starts and intern program to increase its ranks training, and rediness of its work force.    Senday, 365 1104 3I: Shadow of the Rose corporation had a 12 percent profit margin for the year.  They opened up five new offices and purchased 5 new ships to add to its fleet. This brings them to 19 offices and 22 ships in their fleet.    Wonday, 001 1105 3I: A new division is created in the corporation. This division is a shadow division called the BTD (Black Thorn Division) They only answer to Senior leadership of the corporation. 90 percent of the company do not know they exist.    Senday, 365 1105 3I: Shadow of the Rose Corporation had a 15 percent profit margin for the year. Winning Corporate of the year in all three sectors that they operate out of due to five straight years of making a profit. This draws the attention of a big power player in the Trojan Reach.    Wonday, 001 1106 3I: Shadow of the Rose Corporation expands to 29 offices and adds 22 new ships to its fleet. They also gain contracts for the first time with major power corporations of the reach with GeDeCo, LSP, and the FTC just to name a few.   Wonday, 030 1106 3I: The intergity and intellect of the recruitment department shines once again as a brand new crew of recruits unravels a covert operation with ties to Lunk Thunderchin. The operation was being run by a competive security corporation which will help in the future contracts for the company. This crew was promoted to interns at the completion of its contract. This was the first time recruits were promoted to interns after just one mission.
Founding Date
Corporation, Security
Alternative Names
Rose Corporation.
Leader Title
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members


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