Coriolis (Space Station) Settlement in The Third Horizon | World Anvil
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Coriolis (Space Station)

Coriolis! Jewel and beating heart of the Horizon, cradle and holy shrine of the Zenithian civilization. Only the Icons themselves can outshine this, the most glorious wonder under the stars. O, Coriolis, your palaces are magnificent and your halls regal – you are my greatest love!   ODE TO CORIOLIS – Galbarul


Coriolis station was constructed from the corpse of the arkship Zenith that arrived in the Third Horizon some 60 cycles ago. Portions of the Zenith’s components and gear were taken by the Quassar family down to the Monolith on Kua, and some went with the Draconites when they broke the chain of command onboard and vanished into the void. Left in the remnants were the seconds-in-command, the Yriedes clan, and the newly awoken colonists who together formed the Consortium. Coriolis was constructed as a signal to the entire Horizon that a new era was dawning – and because it was a practical use of the Zenith’s cadaver. The leftovers became the Net, the reloading port that floats outside the station. In a show of Zenithian fellowship, Coriolis was parked in a geostationary orbit above the Monolith, with the Spire pointing towards the top of the black column below.


The station measures 6,136 meters from the Cellar to the top of the Spire. The diameter of the Ring is 3,540 meters and that of the Core is 1,500 meters at its widest point. The four larger plazas are 604 meters in diameter.


  • Wahib's Cantina
    Wahib's is a classic cantina in the Terrim blocks just off the Promenade on Coriolis.
Alternative Name(s)
Orbital, Station
According to the census of CC61, Coriolis has 521,465 permanent residents. The number of occupants with temporary residence permits was at the time of the census 189,453. Semi-intelligences and slummers in the Cellar were not included in the census.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

Cover image: by Martin Bergström
  • 5 BCC

    The Zenith arrives and settles in Kua system
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Zenith finally arrives at the Dabaran system, but it is already occupied so they choose the Kua system

    Additional timelines
  • 4 BCC

    Mutiny on the Zenith
    Political event

    After a mutiny on the Zenith, the captain's family settles on the planet Kua and the others stay on the Zenith.

  • 0 BCC

    5 CC

    1st Governor (Desmond Yriedes)
    Political event

    Desmond Yriedes becomes the station’s first Governor.

  • 0 BCC

    Construction of Coriolis Station begins
    Construction beginning/end

    The Consortium begins the construction of Coriolis by cannibalizing the Zenith.

    Additional timelines
  • 5 CC

    17 CC

    2nd Governor (Tere Mezzina)
    Political event

    Tere Mezzina becomes the second Governor of Coriolis.

  • 10 CC

    Coriolis Space Station completed
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of the Coriolis station is completed.

    Additional timelines
  • 17 CC

    26 CC

    3rd Governor (Moratio Ischara)
    Political event

    Moratio Ischara becomes the third Governor of Coriolis.

  • 21 CC

    Council of Factions created
    Gathering / Conference

    All other factions are invited to send representatives to the Council of Factions.

    Additional timelines
  • 26 CC

    36 CC

    4th Governor (Absina Lekteli)
    Political event

    Absina Lekteli becomes the fourth Governor of Coriolis.

  • 36 CC

    42 CC

    5th Governor (Xander Korrida)
    Political event

    Xander Korrida becomes the fifth Governor of Coriolis.

  • 42 CC

    52 CC

    6th Governor (Nihara Korinth)
    Political event

    Nihara Korinth becomes the sixth Governor of Coriolis.

  • 51 CC

    Samaritans establish charities on Coriolis Station
    Diplomatic action

    The Order of the Pariah opens the Samaritan Medical Academy on Coriolis, as well as launching a poverty relief program and a sanatorium for the hyper sick adjacent to the school.

    Additional timelines
  • 52 CC

    59 CC

    7th Governor (Jalaman Ho)

    Jalaman Ho becomes the seventh Governor of Coriolis.

  • 58 CC

    Riots on Coriolis Station

    There are riots in the streets, started by unpatriotic groups backed by anti-republican interests. The Guard restores order, but is unable to arrest the real instigators.

    Additional timelines
  • 59 CC

    8th Governor (Iria Shuliamaran)
    Political event

    Iria Shuliamaran becomes the eighth Governor of Coriolis.

  • 59 CC

    Judicators formed & Governor Ho removed
    Political event

    The Judicators are formed with the aid of the Zenithian Hegemony, and go to work supported by new legislation against organized crime and anti-patriotic activity. The Popular Assembly removes the current Governor, Jalaman Ho, through a vote of no confidence.

  • 60 CC

    Purge of Cellars
    Military action

    The Governor (Iria Shuliamaran) orders the Guard to perform a series of purges of the Cellar, as it has become a hiding place for slummers and semi-intelligences that refuse to accept the laws of the station.

  • 61 CC

    1- Segment of the Messenger

    Messenger Emissary arrives in Coriolis
    Political event

    On the first day of CC61, another Emissary from Xene arrives at Coriolis escorted by two Legion battleships. The Governor of Coriolis makes a statement welcoming the Emissary to the Council of Factions, and it soon becomes known as the Messenger Emissary.

    Additional timelines


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