Raids of the Skræling tribes

Fhokki raids were not unusual. They were a big part of the culture, often part of struggles among Fhokki nobility for power and status. The raids could be prevented with Skrellegeld. Skrellegeld was a tax raised to pay tribute to the Fhokki raiders to save a land from being ravaged. It was collected both as tributary, to buy off the attackers, and as stipendiary, to pay the defensive forces. Most of the Skrellegeld was paid through barter.   This ended for most Fhokki once their lands became part of The Allamaran Empire often because the Fhokki jarls were awarded lands and titles within the Allamaran Empire in return for their loyalty. These Jarls would collect the imperial tax using the imperial system of standardized imperial silver coins.   The Skræling jarls however refrained from the habits and kept collecting their Skrellegeld. This led to conflicts between the Jarls with the Skræling withdrawing onto Lake Jorakk. The Skræling were well-informed about the political situation in Allamar; and around 160 B.K. they started to take advantage of the Allamaran civil wars.   The Skræling tribes started crossing Lake Jorakk and raiding the Ginderlände and Wolda Woods, which were still under the Allamaran rule. With large parts of the young men conscripted in the Allamaran army to fight in conflicts far away the Ginderlände and Wolda Woods were left vulnerable.     The Skræling made sure the always had the upper hand on the water by structurally destroying the shipyards of the Dornic and collecting the Skrellegeld to build up their own powerful fleet.     The Raids ended only after Ragnar Skrærix was killed and large parts of the Skræling fleet destroyed during the Battle of Eyvindardalr in the year 22.
Included Conflicts
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