Destroços Atoll Geographic Location in The Tanitverse | World Anvil

Destroços Atoll

The Spacefall Century is exemplified in few places as well as Destroços, Wreckage, Atoll. Over the course of just over a century, no less than seven warships from the LSL fleet and numerous smaller vessels fell planet side. These wrecks were eventually partially overgrown by coral. The whole area has been a salver's dream and remains so, for those brave enough to risk the atoll's many hazards to try to win it big.


The atoll is a bizarrely almost circular collection of warships and smaller spacefaring vessels that fell planetside during the Spacefall Century. Approximately 105km in diameter, it's perimeter varies in thickness depending on if its coral or wreck. The exact mechanics of how a single location was struck multiple times is still a matter of deep scientific debate, but it's what happened. The outer ring of wrecks act as islets would on a natural atoll, and the coral between them forms the bottom of the tidal channels leading to the massive lagoon in the centre. Roughly at the centre of the lagoon is the largest known wreck on Tanit II, the LSLNV de Cardoso, a carrier-cruiser class vessel. The water around the atoll and in the interior lagoon is fairly shallow, making approach in seagoing vessels risky, and they team with some of the most hazardous flora and fauna the seas can offer.


Shockingly, in the face of radiation leaks and toxic waste exposure, the ecosystem is a balanced and functional one. There's a complete food-web, healthy populations, and everything. But there are also equally shocking number of mutations,likely because of said radiation leaks and toxic waste. Broadly speaking, these hazards make the area unfriendly to unprotected Terrans who don't want to spend weeks if not months in intensive care getting their genomes repaired. Because the "islets" are warships, there's no real natural land for plants or terrestrial animals; likewise, there's no natural sources of water that aren't rain.

Ecosystem Cycles

The greatest change that the atoll undergoes is during the storm season. Termed "The Spread", the storms are sufficient to push the pollutants out of the lagoon and surrounding waters and towards the nearby occupied islands. Generations of sicknesses have been connected to this event now, and a determined cleanup effort is underway.

Localized Phenomena

The most notable local phenomena is Auto-Engage. Automated systems are still active on many of the vessels, trying to repair them and bring them back into function. It's an impossible task, made more impossible by the IFF signals still active. These cause the automatic systems to prioritize close defence weapons systems for repair, which then engage the nearest enemy or unidentified vessel. From a distance, it's an interesting phenomena to see. Up close? Possibly a death sentence as ship lances and laser clusters activate to destroy the perceived threats.


Located north of the equator, the atoll has a warm to hot climate. This is exacerbated by the many leaky fusion reactors and other power generation systems that are steadily leaking thermal energy (and more!) into the surrounding water and air. This pushes the site to a definite "hot" climate, in more ways than one.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna of the atoll are normal and not at the same time. The interior lagoon is the tidal hunting spot for the large marine reptiles that circle the atoll during low tide. There are multiple dangerous species of coral, fish, anemones, and more, many altered by the radiation and toxic waste in the area.

Natural Resources

Aside from unique genetic material from the flora and fauna, there's no "natural" resources in the atoll. There is, however, billions of estimated tonnes of scrap, salvage, and stores. Smaller vessels were pulverized on impact, but the many larger vessels had less violent descents to the surface as fail safe systems long forgotten by their dead or absent crews fired to life as "atmospheric entry" blared through old speaker systems. This means that the atoll is a veritable treasure trove to any one who risks it.
Alternative Name(s)
Wreckage Reef
Coral Reef, Atoll
Location under


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