Embedded Mages Military Formation in The Talented World | World Anvil
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Embedded Mages

Embedded mages are military personnel with The Talent who enlist in the American armed services. They can be called embedded mages or embedded wizards; officers can be called MTOs (Magically Talented Officers) and enlisted personnel are NMs or N and Ms (Non-commissioned mages). In casual conversations, often embedded mages are referred to in their unit simply as "the Wiz."   Embedded mages can be part of any branch of service. However, embedded wizards are assigned only to units whose personnel are either Talented themselves, or whose close family members have the Talent and are overseen by officers who are themselves embedded mages or have close family with the Talent.   Embedded mages have different specializations, and have different functions in different units, but their main purpose is to enhance their unit magically, either protectively or offensively. Often, embedded mages enchant equipment to function better, armor and vehicles to withstand damage, and add magical spells to offensive and defensive maneuvers. Embedded mages also repair equipment magically (and, if they have the right type of training, can heal injuries as well). They are also known to make defensive or protective charms for the personnel in their units.   Embedded mages do not merely have to serve as support personnel. Embedded mages can serve in combat positions and have been field commanders, fighter pilots, snipers, front-line combat troops, paratroopers, and even Navy SEALs.



Embedded mages are all mages of various specializations.


Embedded mages use highly specialized equipment to magically enhance their unit's performance and safety. These materials vary, however, depending on the specific military unit and the specialization of the mage.


Embedded mages use both conventional and magically enhanced weaponry. They also use spells and rituals offensively and defensively.   Embedded mages, depending on their training and specializations, may also enhance the weaponry of their unit. Typical enhancements include enchantments for accuracy, speed, durability,


Embedded mages use both conventional and magically enhanced vehicles.   Typically, the vehicles in an embedded mage's unit--whether they are Jeeps, Humvees, tanks, airplanes, ships, or submarines--have been magically enhanced to protect the occupants. Typical enhancements include enchantments for speed, camouflage, armor upgrades, safety, durability, and fuel efficiency.


Embedded mages are both part of the Department of Integrated Services and the specific military branch to which they belong. They are part of the command structure of their military branch and are assigned to a unit with a commanding officer, and they hold an appropriate rank for their training and experience.   As stated, embedded mages are only assigned to units whose personnel know about The Talent and usually have a high population of Talented personnel and / or their family members. Therefore, the commanding officer of such a unit is either an embedded mage as well or knows about magic and can make appropriate tactical use of it. The units are structured so that each sub-unit with an embedded mage forms part of a larger unit with an embedded mage and is eventually overseen by a general or admiral who also is an embedded mage. Several of these Talented generals and admirals either work in or adjunct to the Department of Integrated Services.


Embedded mages typically learn magic and the use of their Talents before entering the military, usually in one of the Talented high schools. Some embedded mages enlist directly after high school and become enlisted personnel. Those who wish to become officers either enter the ROTC programs at universities with magical programs or enter one of the military academies.   Both enlisted personnel and officers undergo a specialized military training as well as basic training (and officer training, if applicable). For the officers, this is part of the officer training program or the Academy training. Enlisted personnel go to a second training camp after basic training. Both officers and enlisted personnel are assigned to another embedded mage and are mentored before being assigned to their own unit.
Overall training Level


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