Saltmarsh Town Council Organization in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Saltmarsh Town Council

The Saltmarsh Town Council is the ruling body of the coastal town of Saltmarsh, currently consisting of four members that are regularly elected by the town's populace.


The Saltmarsh Town Council is made up of four members, with one designated the council's head. The group meets once a month to vote on and discuss items of import but may convene more regularly if needed.   Elections for all council positions are generally held at the same time, and the four most voted for candidates are added to the council with the candidate recieving the most votes designated the council's head.


Formed as a three-member council, the Saltmarsh Twon Council expanded to four following the arrival of the Neverwinter Guard garrison and Mountain Gem Mining Company from Neverwinter in the early 1490s, when the population of the town swelled enough to justify a Neveren, or a Neveren-aligned resident, having a seat on the council, though this decision was extremely contentious.   Members of the town council are generally split between the pro-Neverwinter Emberists and the anti-Neverwinter Traditionalists, with the Traditionalists generally having a plurality of seats.   During the Banesmark Crisis in 1496, and especially as part of the preparations for the Battle of the Spire, the town council met frequently as the situation continuely evovled. The Banesmark Crisis also saw the arrest of Anders Solmor, one of the council members, for trying to incite an uprising against the Neveren garrison in town. His position was put up for grabs in a special election that was won by Necian Arrzen. When Necian abandoned the town in early 1497 and Manistrad Copperlocks, head of the Mountain Gem Mining Company, returned to Neverwinter, Tom Stoutly and Lessni Deephatcher, won the special election to take their places.   

Town Council Membership in 1495


Town Council Membership in late 1496


Town Council Membership in 1497

Geopolitical, City council
Council Member
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Cover image: by James' RPG Art


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