Emberists Organization in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Emberists are an unofficial political faction in the town of Saltmarsh who aspire to increase the Marshers' economic and political ties to Neverwinter. They are opposed by the towns' Traditionalists, who seek to maintain Saltmarsh's freedom and way of life.    The term Emberist is a derogatory one, coined by the Traditionalists from the view that the Emberists don't serve Saltmarsh but the lord of Neverwinter Dagult Neverember.


Emberists are not a unified political party, just a label, and as such the movement has no leaders.   While Marshers from Neverwinter, such as the guardsmen and dwarven miners, favored Emberist positions, so too did many merchants and tradesmen in town, who believed that closer ties to Neverwinter would be economically favorable.   The strongest Emberist proponents in Saltmarsh during the Banesmark Crisis were Eliander Fireborn , the head of the local detachment of the Neverwinter Guard, and Manistrad Copperlocks, the owner of the Mountain Gem Mining Company and a member of the Saltmarsh Town Council.   Following Manistrad's return to Neverwinter after the end of the crisis in 1497, her replacement on the council as the leading Emberist voice was Lessni Deephatcher, an employee of her company.


During the later half of the Banesmark Crisis, Manistrad Copperlocks and Eliander Fireborn were both inflicted with a Banesmark, causing them to spout more violent rhetoric against Traditionalists that threatened to spill over into violence between the town factions. However, the influence of Manistrad and Eliander was curbed when the Heroes of Saltmarsh convinced the town that the Banesmark was a dangerous Shadowfell parasite that required locking away those infected until they got better.
Political, Faction / Party

Cover image: by James' RPG Art


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